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Dreamer in Squatters Rights


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Any thoughts on a crew that would do well with the following, 


Corner Deployment 


Squatters Rights 



Protect Territory 

Spring the Trap 


Deliver a message 


I think I will have lilitu in there as a lure is always useful to pull models off Markers. Also teddy could be nice as he has the auto trigger to push models as well. I could also put Kade in for an extra lure and also nice for pushing teddy. Obviously I would summon Lilitu with lelu. Any thoughts of other tricks? 

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A couple of Waldegeist wouldn't be a bad idea. They can tie up markers with their terrain and ml range of 4", and they are pretty good at Deliver a Message*. With Lilitu you can tie up a lot of area with them.


Then just summon heaps of Stitched.


*They are generally good at Deliver a Message; Dreamer takes them up a notch. He can push them 6" and give them Fast, as well as accomplice to them with the right upgrade. With that set up you can push the Waldegeist 6", walk once with them (10"), set up some trees, and they can Deliver the Message 14" away from the enemy master.

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Waldegeists are amazing in squatters rights but i dont have the models yet they in the post and wont be here but the weekend. But your trick with them can be done with lilitu as well and then lelu would also benifit from the fast as they share conditions. 


Adrians post was nice explaining how he used waldegeists. With trees gives 4" reach then you cant interact. Move trees disappear reach is reduced then interact then make more trees extending the reach to 4 again.


I wish I had those models. Thanks for all the tips  

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Adrians post was nice explaining how he used waldegeists. With trees gives 4" reach then you cant interact. Move trees disappear reach is reduced then interact then make more trees extending the reach to 4 again.

That's the way I use them too.

Insideous would have been my main suggestion. Easy to take the outside markers and to accomplish other schemes as needed. Coppelius with flight also works as a scheme runner and counter to enemy scheme runners.

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That's the way I use them too.

Insideous would have been my main suggestion. Easy to take the outside markers and to accomplish other schemes as needed. Coppelius with flight also works as a scheme runner and counter to enemy scheme runners.


Sorry Asrian I was you who i was referring to so you can take the credit for that strat, i forgot your name and went with my gut. 


This is the crew I have kinda decided to go with 



Dreams of Pain 



3x Daydreams 



On dreaming wings 


2x Waldgeists 


2x Insidious Madness


I manage to borrow 2 waldgeists from a friend. 


I will try summon lelu and lelitu turn one and then if need be summon some stitched turn 2. If i dont need them I will drop my wakening down to 0 by turn 2 and just use the dreamer to heal and support the models I already have. 


Thanks for all the input. 

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One thing to point out, you're one point over on your cache with that build (Dreamer has a Cache 3). It was originally a typo when the Wave 2 cards came out, and they just decided not to change it. However, the Crew Creator on the Wyrd site has never been updated since Wave 2 release, so still shows the old Cache 2. Basically, this puts you, with your current crew, at a cache 8, so you're losing 1SS.

If it were me, I'd drop 2 Day Dreams, and pick up Mr. Tannen if you own him for that scheme pool. He's very good at messing with the opponent as he causes opponents within 6 :aura to have to discard before they can cheat via his Cooler ability (same as Insidious Madness does with WP duels within 4 :aura  but he does it with everything the opponent tries to cheat) as well as having the ability to become Chatty (no interacts within 6 :aura ) which can lock down Squat Markers, and make it nearly impossible via interacts to Spring the Trap or Deliver A Message if Chatty is up. He also can use a 0AP action Leave It To Luck which gives +2 to all  :mask flipped or cheated and -2 to all  :tome flipped or cheated, basically making it so that on a 13 :mask or Red Joker (not stoning for a  :mask , it only boosts actual cards played) the Dreamer can summon in a Teddy. Be aware though, Tannen is another typo card from Wave 2 (like Dreamer) who's card says Cost 5, it should be Cost 6 per the FAQ.

If you did drop 2 Day Dreams for Tannen, that would leave you with 6SS, and Day Dreams can easily be summoned in for a 7+ of anything. If you don't have Tannen, then I'd say pick up another upgrade, or drop a Day Dream and pick up something else if you so choose, like a third Waldgeist or a Doppelganger. 

Best of luck to you in the game.

PS - I wasn't looking for credit, btw. I was just saying I also play that way to reaffirm that it's a good way to use them. :P

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