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Checking timing order



just wanting to check we did things in the right order after a game.


It was a december acolyte vs a witchling stalker


december acolyte hit in melee, so witchling stalker failed a duel allowing it to close


acolyte did damage killing the stalker and triggered into the shadow which says after damaging he gets to push 4"


we assumed that after damaging and therefore the triggered push happened before the death of the stalker therefore saving the acolyte from damage, is that correct?

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fair enough so was wrong then.


but his says when he dies, the acolyte says after damaging so depends when you work out if hes dead, after damaging etc



Q: If a model has an “After Damaging” Trigger which allows it to push/move and it kills a model with

Explosive Demise, can it use its Trigger to push/move away from the model it killed before taking

damage from Explosive Demise?

A: No. Explosive Demise happens when the model is killed, which would be during Step 5 of the duel

process (Determine Success, Core Rulebook pg. 33) and After Damaging Triggers occur after Step 5 (Core

Rulebook pg. 32). (1/1/15)

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To further complete this answer.

Page 32 after damaging explicitly says it happens after step 5.

Page 33 damage (and killing) happen during step 5

Drawn to Pain: After failing an opposed Df duel but before suffering damage, push this model 4” towards the Attacker. Happens before damage is flipped since this trigger explicitly says when to do it.

Explosive Demise 1: All models within 2 suffer 1 damage !when! this model is !killed! (not sacrifced).

This is after it suffers damage and is reduced to 0 wounds. Killed page 46

And finally from the faq

Q: If a model has an “After Damaging” Trigger which allows it to push/move and it kills a model with Explosive Demise, can it use its Trigger to push/move away from the model it killed before taking damage from Explosive Demise?

A: No. Explosive Demise happens when the model is killed, which would be during Step 5 of the duel process (Determine Success, Core Rulebook pg. 33) and After Damaging Triggers occur after Step 5 (Core Rulebook pg. 32). (1/1/15)

The longest answer.

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