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Played another small solo game today to get to grips with the rules and mechanics. Few questions that came out of it below.


1. Can a unit without a :melee in its actions charge another unit? I was playing with a Beckoner and reading the charge rules it seems the :melee is required for a successful charge.


2. Can you cheat a disengaging strike? Nothing mentioned in the rules section so I'm assuming not.




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I'm not sure if climbing during a charge move is permitted by the rules. Charge move should be made in a straight line, but it would make sense to assume that only means horizontal movement, because (nearly) all measurements are made from top down perspective in Malifaux, and because anything less than completely flat gaming surface would make charging near impossible if model would have to move in a straight line vertically. Whether climbing is allowed during the move is a mystery.

For what it's worth, our play group allows climbing during charges.

However, it is quite easy to tell how climbing works when charging, assuming it does. Charge is just movement, so all the rules for movement apply. It is basically the same as if you were walking. You measure the distance it takes to reach the climbable object and then you add the vertical movement multiplied by two and then continue your movement, if you have any left. For models that ignore terrain when moving, it works exactly the same, except you don't multiply the vertical movement by two.

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I suppose the natural question is then what happens if you're going down terrain - can it count as climbing down, or would it be a fall?  And if you can go down, why not up?


Being able to include climbing makes sense to me.  I have an awesome vision of von Schill performing an augmented jump onto the top of the roof to stab Pokey Vik in the head from above....

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How looks charge while climbing?


Is this possible?

And if yes how it looks when model must move horizontal then climb to reach his foe?

What if during charge model ignore terrain? Does he messure distance diagonal or horizontal?


My initial thoughts were "yes of course!" but then when I went to look for rules to support my opinion I couldn't find any. However, I couldn't find any to dismiss it either.


I still stand by yes climbing charges can be made, you just have to pay for the climbing movement. 

The other thing to keep in mind is the vantage point rules (pg 41 large rulebook) that might effect line of sight prior to charging.


I'm of the opinion that the "straight line" mentioned in the charge rules is intended from a "top down" point of view (horizontal only), though an FAQ would be needed to cement this as fact or not.

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