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Fill in the blank


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Ok, I asked my friends in my gaming group, but I got no help. Maybe my fellow forumian can help. 


Here is a generic upgrade. It can be used by any model that can take an upgrade, any faction. Reads like this:


Upgrade in Question

0 ss

This model gains the following Tactical Action.


(0) Something: Reduce this model's Wp by 1 for the rest of the game to gain the following until the end of the game "Fill in this Blank". This action can not be taken if would reduce this model's Wp to less than 1. 


So what would you feel would be a good trade off? What would you fill in the blank with?


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Can you explain a bit more what you're going for? Is "a good trade off" one which you would always take (because it's "good"), or one in which the bonus is balanced with the penalty? Is there a reason why you would want to apply the trade at some point during the game rather than make it a permanent effect?


A Wp penalty is a big deal, so it would have to be something pretty good. (+1 Df was my first thought as well, but I don't think I'd actually take that trade on almost any model.) Something like +2 Wk/Cg would be a great trade, as would Melee Expert. (Ranged Expert, Casting Expert or Nimble would all be auto-trades from the start of the game, they're just better.) Armor +1 is probably about the right level as well?


It's very hard to say without seeing who the upgrade could be attached to. If it's anyone who can equip upgrades, it needs to be way less powerful than something which only a small pool of carefully chosen models can take, otherwise it will inevitably lead to abuse - the flipside is that, as a more general (weaker) upgrade, it will become highly situational and probably never get used even if it's taken. So yeah - what are you aiming for?

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That is the same reply I got from one of my friends. -laughs- The trade off should be something you would want to do multiple times, otherwise, yes the effect would just be an ability. As a 0 action, you could only do it 5 times. So if you would reduce your Wp by 1 to gain Casting Expert for one turn? Would you trade 1 Wp for Armor +1? It should be something that you would want to take. The upgrade could only be taken for a limited time, like 1 week out of a 6 week league. You did post some good ideas.

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