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Strongest points of Daw & gang


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I've played few games with Mister J, but a thought came to my mind: Where does Jack Daw and tormented posse shine at?
I like his stories and the fact that he got promoted into master, this of course means I'll be getting his box no matter what people say.
What are the schemes and strategies that benefit him or which ones he can ruin for his opponent?

For example, what could this list play with(if there is anything).

50 point Scrap
Jack Daw -- 4 Pool
 +Drowing Injustice [0]
 +Firing Squad Injustice [0]
 +Guillotine Injustice [0]
 +Twist and Turn [2]
 +Writhing Torment [2]
Lady Ligeia [4]
Bishop [10]
Montresor [9]
 +Fearful Whispers [1]
 +The Creeping Terror [1]
The Guilty [5]
The Guilty [5]
The Hanged [9]
Mainly I prefer to have jack with everything that is injust, but that is only personal thing.
Bishop got stuck in here because he is an generally great guy and capable of playing rough.
And The Hanged is to frighten little children just in case.
No Nurses made in to this party unfortunately.(McMourning had them working extra hours)

But generally speaking, What are JD's strongest points?
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Mobility and a certain amount of control, not killing power more like, well, tormenting the opposition ;) his crew can be obscenely fast and as such stratagmes favouring mobility is a stronger suit. with the inclusion of nurses the control aspect ups another notch of course. Your particular crew seems to have a decent amount of horror as well, which is always a good thing

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First - about your list - it is a good generic sort of list but as you play more games you will probably see that JD is very much a finesse master - one of the most difficult masters to play in the game, for sure. You really can't make a generic list and play him "take all challengers" style and be very successful. To that end - I find he works best capitalizing on an all-passive disruption or all-aggressive control playstyle rather than just having some elements of both.

JD is all about the disruption and scheme markers - neuter your opponent and annoy the hell out of them. You can really capitalize on card denial/discard and scheme marker heavy pools... and you should. Most of the time you see Daw lists they look like yours -big flashy scary things and most of the time other masters are better suited to that roll. Punish your opponent for the things they do rather then punching them in the face first. Take Daw when you need a scheme master and try utilizing and exploiting models like Crooked and Drowned.

You know all those schemes that people tell you not to take? LitS or Spring the trap - yeah, Daw can do those real easy.

Personally, I feel that most of the time you should be playing Daw passively. When I want to play aggro I go Levy or Schill (shooty).

Taking Daw can really shutdown a killy crew when faced with an anti-kill scheme heavy pool.

I am not very happy with Monty - Jaakuna is more solid, cheaper and synergies with a passive Daw. When you have the ability to take Jaakuna, Monty is pretty much useless as he is an aggressive tarpit with a target on his head - and you have better aggro models to choose from anyway. I am really hoping that the new asylum crew is tormented so Daw has the possibility of having a new henchman.

Finally, if you do want to play killy Daw drop the control upgrades for betrayer and run a terrifying heavy list.

Also, get a lot of practice in - Daw is easily an upper tier mastere who can shutdown a lot of crews when played correctly but is unforgiving when you screw up. Don't take him when you are learning the game, it can be very frustrating.

Also - you have access to almost all models already in one way or another. Wicked Apparitions are amazing looking Guilty and Ligeia can be pretty much anyone - BF Performer if you want her to look pretty , haha.

I am currently converting a Carver into a Monty/Avatar Jack proxy :) Honestly, I think I'll still be using my apparition guilty even after the new models come out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Oh boy... that would be like a 500 word essay.

Basically - the idea is not to kill but to 1: lock the most essential models down and 2: rip all of the cards out of your opponents hand - passive gameplay is best utilized in schemey strategy/scheme pools or when anti-killy schemes are present. Your mentality should be to want to avoid and annoy your opponent.

If frame for murder and murder protege are in the pool I'm just not going to take someone killy - plus you reduce your opponent's viable options for scheme selection so you can deduce which ones they selected - this is where JD comes in. Similarly, if there are lots of pro-killy schemes I just simply won't take Jack Daw - its really hard to balance JD's effectiveness for optimal play.

Also, there is no reason to not take a nurse - its so cheap and so good it should be auto-include no matter how you play - also, I hardly ever run without 2 guilty (though, I pretty much never run JD unless its a scheme oriented strategy) and you should probably choose either Monty or Hanged but not both... I'd probably rather have two hanged ;)

A few other things... if you have a discard heavy crew you don't need LL and should look into Malifaux Child for more Obey.

You will probably find more success by hiring small utility models to save on points because JD's crew is expensive - this is where Crooked and Drowned come in.

The more I play the more I see that hiring non-tormented models and putting tormented on them is probably not worth it - you don't need a fully tormented crew much like Schill doesn't need all Freikorps or Collodi doesn't need to always be in a giant puppet ball.

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