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What should I have done differently?


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Thank you :)



...fr Francois I would have gone for a darker cape, I think it would help break up the model (as the rest of it is very light in colour shade). Possibly the same colour as his hat?

The thing is that the Slop Haulers were the last models that I painted and then I made the topic, so I didn't know all those things that I have learnt by now back then. After reading all the helpull advices I came back to my previous models and just repainted their ears, because it was very easy to do and it helped the models a lot.

If I were to paint Francois now, I would probably paint his poncho in very dark red with shades made by mixing the red with a dark blue paint. I am sure that dark brown would look good as well, but because it is, as you said yourself, the same colour as his hat, I would be affraid that it would end up looking like a leather.



I'll attempt a wooly look on Francois's poncho one day I get to painting gremlins again.

Oooh... that looks good. Is there a special technique for painting wooly surfaces or do you just have to be very patient?



Francois LaCroix is such a great model. When I was painting him, I could not stop thinking about Rango :D





  I'm really interested in seeing your Zoraida :)

At first I wasn't sure about my next Malifaux purchase. If I would buy every single model that I like, I would have to sell my kidney :D so I like to think these things through and through, reading fluff, asking questions on forum, looking for some inspiration how to paint the said models...

I really like Zoraida's model (all those Voodoo Dolls coming to life and the one covering behind her leg...), Voodoo Doll itself and Silurids (I am not sure why I like them so much. There is just something spellbinding about their look.). Bad Juju... will probably grow on me, when I paint it. It's a good model, but... he lives in the shade of Zoraida and Silurids.

I was probably 70% sure that The Swamp Hag will be my next purchase, but when I saw your topic - Starting with Neverborn. (Working on Zoraida), that was the moment when I decided.

Unfortunately my order had to be postponed (I ordered Retro Fate Deck as well and they were gone the day they came to the store, so... +1 week.), so in the meantime I am practicing making swamp bases. They don't look very nice so far, but that's why I am practicing it.

Here is an awesome tutorial on making them: Swamp Base Tutorial by John "Scarab" Salmond on Terrainthralls website.

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I am a bit busy these days, so I dont have the time to give you any in-depth critic atm. But I just had to quickly come to the thread and say that you are doing awesome!


I really like your three new models, everything is so clean and tidy ^^


I usually get a bit frustrated when I look at models from new people, because everything is  a mess, but I actually get all calm when I look at your models... I know I probably have some kind of painting OCD ;)

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Thank you, Ikvar, that is very flattering :)


Those three models are actually not the new ones, the last model that I have painted was the Slop Hauler. ZFiend wrote, that he would like to see more of my Gremlins, so I posted them.

If I were to paint them now, I would do a lot of things differently. Which is great, because that was the purpose of this thread - to learn.

For instance, I would pay more attention to where the light is supposed to come from. Francois LaCroix's hat has highlights on the opposite side than the rest of the model :D I also found some nice tutorials and pictures on non-metalic metals, and that is something that I would like to learn to do properly. Plus all those things that have already been mentioned.


At this moment I am planning how will I paint Zoraida and her swampfiend friends.

Searching for pictures of catfishises, because according to Wikipedia: "Siluridae is the nominate family of catfishes in the order Siluriformes." I am planning on using Citadel Technical 'Ardcoat, a gloss varnish, as a finishing touch to make them look wet and slimy.

I also want to try new things like pinning miniatures to cork and later to bases, which I do realize is not required for plastic miniatures, I just think that it might make base building process easier.


For Zoraida I will start a new thread, but that will take a long time, beacuase I want to take my time and do everything properly.

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