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How many Sorrows?


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That's what I meant. The trigger doesn't interact with Misery. Misery would kick in, but as Misery specifies the time of taking damage as "after the current action is resolved", the model would take damage after pushing. Thus the sequence would be:


-failed Wp duel

-check how many Misery :aura you're in


-take damage from all the Misery :aura you were in

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Haven't played Pandora since M2E became a thing, so take this with a grain of salt.


Sorrows are (or at least WERE) useful, but there are a lot of factors to consider. A strong gunline or a crew with good casts will eat them alive without some way to mitigate the incoming damage. Creepy fog could get you some mileage. Beckoner lures could let you get some early game use out of them by bringing the enemy in piecemeal and tearing them apart with stacked auras, a la Seamus and his belle lure chain. Combine the two for a sturdy front line that lets Pandora and sorrows eat key pieces early.

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 Beckoner lures could let you get some early game use out of them by bringing the enemy in piecemeal and tearing them apart with stacked auras, a la Seamus and his belle lure chain. Combine the two for a sturdy front line that lets Pandora and sorrows eat key pieces early.


I've got a friend that ran Beckoner, Lilitu, Doppenganger and a couple sorrows, and used the 5-6 lures a turn to pull things through a conga-line of hell into Pandora's Fears Given Form.


It was like most Seamus crews do, but WAY nastier. Only worked because the opponent really didn't anticipate it until they lost their henchman and enforcer second turn.

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Given Pandora's push shenanigans, she enjoys a mobile force to keep up with her. Misery Loves Company is a nice place shenanigan and doesn't require a monster card to pull off.  


Also, if Frame For Murder is available, well, there you go. Your opponent will probably want to kill it anyway, may as well get the easy VPs... and hope to get some extra damage output before its demise.

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Bad Juju with sorrows works well. An added bonus is that with an upgrade you can deploy swap fiends from the shadows up the board (Waldegeists are great for this) which can act as stepping stones for the sorrows to get to the centre of the board on the first turn.


Last game I had ended up with my two sorrows being the best models for me after pandora.

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