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List of available ten thunders models


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First Post and new to Malifaux. I have bought the Misaki starter box and both the first and second wave TT cards. Before I expand my collection I just wondered is there a list of all the available to buy TT models anywhere on the site. I have been to several online shops but they all seem to hold different selections of TT models.





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Available to date are;

Misaki crew

Mae Feng crew

Yan lo crew

McCabe crew

Jacob lynch crew

Mr graves

Mr tannen



Low river monk




Dawn serpent


Yin the pengalagalan


I think this about covers it for now.

Ten thunder brothers can be picked up in the old metals from some sources on eBay.

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Guild Pathfinder as well (found in the Wave 2 Guild deck)

Ama no Zako (Outcast Wave 2)


Also due to the infiltration abilities of most of the TT masters (different from their dual faction capabilities), many outside models should be looked at as well. This is most prominent with Beckoners, a normally Neverborn only model, that thematically and synergistically work very well with Jacob Lynch even if run as TT.


Welcome to Malifaux.

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For Masters and their Infiltration ability (to my knowledge):


Misaki can bring any model with LAST-BLOSSOM (at the moment, I think that's just stuff in her box, Oiran might have it, I can't remember)


Mei Fang can bring FOUNDRY (stuff in her box plus a smattering of arcanist models)


McCabe can bring Guild GUARDSMEN (guild guard, guild pathfinder, guild austringer, guild riflemen, etc, etc) and BLACK SHEEP (just his box, I believe), also, with his totem Luna, he can bring GUILD HOUNDS.


Yan Lo can bring ANCESTORS (Izamu, Yin, Toshiro, Chiaki) and RETAINER (onryo, ashigaru, and komainu).  As was stated, Toshiro also let's you bring Punk Zombies.


Jakob Lynch allows you to bring DARKENED models.


Shenlong is straight TT, so he can only bring TT models.


Brewmaster comes in the gremlin box, and isn't released yet, so I don't know if he has any shenanigans for infiltration, though I'd assume so.



Samurai look pretty cool (and I think will work pretty niftily with Misaki (I'm going to be picking them up sometime next week).  Ama No Zako is one of my favorites.


Good luck!

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