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Base tourney list with Nico?


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So I have a tourney tomorrow and while I think I have my 'base' list down I was wondering what others might take. The strats are:


Round 1 - stake a claim

Round 2 - turf war

Round 3 - reconnoiter


I plan on using Nico as he is the only one I have experience with so far and don't want to confuse myself too much. Though I suppose McMourning/Seamus are pretty straightforward. If you were planning a base list based on those strats and not knowing the schemes, what would you take as your core and a brief why?


I'm planning on a core of models and just substituting a few as needed for schemes to try and speed things up with the time limits. I know Nico isn't always the best for timed events, but again, I have the most experience with him and he is why I got into Malifaux in the first place.

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My Nico core is pretty much this and it has worked wonders for me:


Mortimer: well that's a given, but with Corpse Bloat rather than the Shovel.


Izamu: He already has a really good ml, with Melee Expert, Nicodem can give him fast which makes it up to 4 strikes with  :+fate to damage and  :+fate to attack when near Nicodem. Solid choice for Decaying Aura. Also with his self heal and Nico's heal, he is insane.


Nurse: Huge utility. Really capable of Paralyzing Enemy Masters and Henchmen, about anything really. Also it makes Mortimer quite a good Melee beast when he is flipping ml 7 shovel with +2 dmg.


Then depending on the schemes and strats I get the rest together, could be 2 Punk Zombies because they are really good with Nico and he can summon in the rest the crew needs or even more Zombies, I think in one game I had quite a nice Death Bubble of Doom with 4 Punk Zombies, Izamu and Nicodem buffing them to outright insane levels :D 


In Reconnoiter, take 3 Night Terrors, you can take any piece of the board with those, summon in one or two Shikomes and you are already dominating the game. :) 

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How do you manage to heal Mortimer from his Corpse Bloat? That's the trouble I've had with giving it to Living Henchmen (like Sebastion). I've always ended up with him just getting dead that much faster.


Good advice though - thanks. I thought about the Night Terrors and might add those to my list to R.

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How do you manage to heal Mortimer from his Corpse Bloat? That's the trouble I've had with giving it to Living Henchmen (like Sebastion). I've always ended up with him just getting dead that much faster.


Good advice though - thanks. I thought about the Night Terrors and might add those to my list to R.

From my experiance you don't bother healing him. His Regen +1 means you can corpse bloat him 4 times in a game, which is more then enough gas to get you there. Since he also trys to dig up a bone every turn, He also never moves from where you deploy him. If he gets dropped on turn 5, he is just more gas for the engine at that point. 

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