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Goofy Draft Format I'm experimenting with intended for super casual play


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Draft for Malifaux
Each Player will Freely Select a 9ss or Lower Henchman to lead their Crew. Crews will be drafted from Crew Packs. TO will generate Crew Packs detailed Below. Each player will open their Crew pack and select one card they will then pass it to the right. Repeat until all cards have been distributed. This creates your pool not a player must be able to  must be able to field a 35ss crew which will be lead by their henchman, however The players may “splash” their primary faction with up 3 out of factions minion models or 1 out of Faction Enforcer, if a player splashes, they may utilize upgrades from either faction primary faction i.e faction their henchman is selected from or from the secondary faction. Note all other restrictions still apply to the upgrades. You must have a separate drafted card for each model you are fielding or summoning. I.e Unless you have drafted a guild autopsy and drafted the Spare Parts upgrade you may not summon a guild autopsy. If a guild autopsy is in play and you didn’t draft a second guild autopsy you may not summon a second guild autopsy till the one in play has been removed. This is intended to be a fun format, that is outside the normal competitive rules the idea is to encourage interesting crew design and list building from odd model combinations. In other words don’t take draft 2 seriously unless your trying to just have serious fun. Also highly recommended for story encounter style event.
How to build a Crew Pack-
The Crew pack is the key to the draft and where a lot of the fun besides playing will be derived from as such take great care when creating your crew pack. Here is how you do it.
There should be one pack created for each participant. Each participant needs to declare their primary faction.
What’s in a pack? A pack consists of 2 minion cards for each declared instance of a Faction and 2 Random enforcer Models. It will have 1 Upgrades cards per Declared faction, the Upgrade cards should not refer to a specific model by name. Add 3 Minions from any faction(s)  not represented in the pool. If all factions represented simply add 3 minions from any combination.
Example: I have an 8 person Draft. 3 Declared Guild, 1 Declared Arcanists, 1 Neverborn, 2 ressers, 1 Gremlin.
           In this Instance my pack for each player should be contain
           6-Guild Minions & 3 Guild Upgrades, 2 arcanists minions 1 arcanist Upgrades, 2 Neverborn Minions 1 neverborn Upgrades, 4 resser minions & 1 Resser Upgrades, 2 gremlin minions 1 Upgrades, The pack will also contain 2 enforcers from any combination of Guild, Gremlin, Resser, Neverborn, gremlin, The more randomized you can make these the better.
The Drafted cards represent your pool of models from which to build crews for our henchman leader for the day. You may change crews each round but not leaders and crews must be generated from your drafted pile. Each crew will be 35ss The gaining grounds rotation will be used for each game.  Schemes for each round will be provided prior to the draft. 
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It lives!! From the lands of the twitter to an official ruleset. Well done! Have you had a chance to run it? If so how did you manage models? Did you dip into your collection to make it so that people would have them? Or is there a general sense of community and people didn't mind sharing. Again, well done sir.

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