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Well first round draws and I'm up against Mei Feng (as Arcanist)  I'm running Molly so now I'm torn between Horror Molly with Student of Steel for head hunting or Spirit Molly and summoning Onryo/Shikome to ignore pesky armour! it seems that Mei and Kang are likely to ignore terror and paralyse although I might catch a construct or two. 

Scheme pool makes things tricky with wanting to kill for the strategy but wanting to interact for schemes. Any movers or shakers you'd include in the fight?

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Post Gertfaux review

So I took Molly for this event, I haven’t played her too much or too well in my opinion and I thought that 4 games would help me get a feel for our undead Reporter. In the week prior to the event I decided to paint up some more of my spirits to give myself access to Spirit Molly, who some have commented they feel is a more competitive choice. I added a Shikome and 2 Gaki my pool of toys and headed on down to Bristol.

Gertfaux is the biggest tournament I‘ve been to and drew some of the major players from the South, nearly all of whom I’ve never seen play. With 36 players, It was going to be a long, tough day!


Game 1 vs Tim Porter – Headhunter  with standard deployment

Schemes: Alits, Breakthrough, Cursed Object, Distract, Spring the trap

Molly – Forgotten Path, Tear of the Gorgon

Mortimer – My favourite Shovel

Izamu – Unnerving Aura




6 SS cache


Mei Feng,  Kang,  Joss, Johan, Soulstone Miner, Metal Gamin,  Arcane Effigy,  Emberling. A few imbued energies and I can’t remember Mei’s many upgrades with all those triggers! 3ss cache


I announced Breakthrough and kept Cursed Object hidden

Tim didn’t announce either scheme. He took Breakthrough and Distract


Game Highlights:


Molly using Izamu to hit things for free, so much goodness! Summoning  the Hanged, a model I previously thought over-priced and definitely not a hire choice was great here, even it cost me a VP. It put a stop to Kang and disrupted the charge of Mei Feng and co. which is what looked to be on the cards prior to his arrival.


Mortimer using Fresh meat to speed up my crew in turn 1, before using Chatty to block distract and head collection for the rest of the game.


Performer trying a Siren Call on the Emberling as she didn’t have much else to do, before getting the trigger for a free hit and flipping severe, killing the Emberling!


Final Score - Molly: 8 Mei: 3




Game 2 vs Aaron Bailey – Recon with Corner deployment


Schemes: Alits,  Assassinate, Bodyguard, Plant Explosives, Take Prisoner


Molly – Forgotten Life, Tear of the Gorgon

Ama no Zako – Unnerving Aura


Rotten Belle x 2


Guild Autopsy

Night Terror x 2


6 SS cache


Perdita, Enslaved Nephilim, Nino, Hunter, Austringer, Brutal Effigy, Watcher and 2 Guild Hounds.

3/4 ss cache


I took Plant Explosives and Take Prisoner (both hidden)

Aaron took Assassinate and Take Prisoner (both hidden)


Game Highlights: This was one of the most intense games of Malifaux I’ve played, Aaron was clearly well versed in his crews tricks, and Perdita really went after Molly in turn 3 and I had to throw my entire hand (10+ each card) to keep her alive.


Performer strolled up and dropped a scheme marker in engagment to bag me 3 VP


Ama No Zako couldn’t deal with a Hunter and was pulped by Perdita. Ama is usually my star, but this game I didn’t know what I wanted to do with her.


Austringer shooting into engagement with the Hunter and Guild Autopsy and kills the Hunter for me!

The end of the game, both Aaron and I revealed Take Prisoner, and both our targets were engaged with each other!!

Final score – Molly: 9  Perdita: 9


Game 3 vs Cathy Winton – Collect the Bounty with Close deployment


Schemes: Alits, Breakthrough, Plant Evidence, Distract, Vendetta


Molly – Forgotten Path, Tear of the Gorgon

Madame Sybelle – Bleeding Tongue

Izamu – Unnerving aura



Rotten Belle



Mei Feng, Kang, Mech Rider, Willie, 2 Metal Gamin and 2 Molemen


I announced Breakthrough and Plant Evidence

Cathy announced Line in the Sand and Plant Evidence


Game Highlights Molly was the star again, paralysing Willie and dropping him to one wound in turn one,  obeying a shikome to drop a marker for breakthrough. Late game I managed to get her to summon three Drowned who died automatically, and dropped scheme markers to complete Plant Evidence in one activation.

Madame Sybelle used her whip to turn Molly into a peon (thereby making her worthless in the strategy) then charged the Mech Rider and hit her with a flourish! Mei decided not to use the 2 soulstones and only 1 card in her control hand meant Mech Rider was finished before she could bombard the centre line with markers!

Mei went after the Performer and I couldn’t protect her, so I couldn’t destroy the markers so Mei could claim full points for Plant Evidence.

Final Score: Molly: 8 Mei: 3


So I was up on Table 2, Table 1 had the 2 undefeated Masters battling it out for the top spot, but places were still up for grabs!

Game Four vs David Edgerton-Smith – Stake a Claim with Flank deployemnt


Schemes alits, Protect Terrioty, Breakthrough, Frame for Murder, Outflank.


Molly with Forgotten Path, Tear of the Gorgon

Madame Sybelle with Bleeding Tongue




Rotten Belle x 2




Lilith, Candy, Teddy, Doppelganger, Two Terror Tots, Cherub, Sorrow


I announced Protect Territory and Breakthrough

Lilith announced Breakthrough and kept Frame for Murder  hidden


Game Highlights:  My Shikome with reactivate getting pulped by Lilith on Turn 1, before I could reactivate!


Not realising Molly was spraying Black Blood over the intended Frame for Murder target! That Sorrow was a pain!


Madame Sybelle becoming the efficient Molly Taxi, allowing her to put out some Claim markers. This allowed them to keep pace with the Necropunk, who was getting reactivate as often as I was able! This lil movement ball really kept me in the game.


David mis-read the strategy and placed a claim marker in his half, to wipe out one of mine, but this gave me a VP in turn 2!


Molly summoning another Hanged who blasted Lilith with Whispers from beyond, which scared Lilith enough to leave Molly alone for the game.


We had to recount the claim markers a few times to ensure we had the numbers correct but the final score was….


7 – 6 to Molly!


The win meant I came Second, beating Aaron due to VP difference! Such a thrill to be up on the Podium, given my limited game time this year  (only games on this thread!)


The winner (Ben Crowe) was using Leveticus, who we all know is a Yellow Ressur :D


Getting ready for the next tournament, Haul of Eggs 3, in March!

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