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Questions on Malifaux tournament conversion policy

Vermicious Knid

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So hey folks

I'm a very new Malifaux player, and also a sculptor. I have some fun ideas to sculpt my own Metal Gamin and Rail Golem models - not because the official models are bad, but merely because it might save me a few bucks, and I can put my own unique spin on these particular models

As a Warmachine player, I am used to a certain "draconian" conversion policy, and I just wanted to get a feel for how the average Malifaux tournament runs. If I make scratch-built models like this, will I be essentially shooting myself in the foot when preparing for theoretical future tournaments I might attend

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Yep, spotted the file right after I posted this. Not too bad - similar to Privateer Press' policy, which I am very familiar with.

Basically it would be a TO's call, which isn't a huge problem. Personally my conversions/scratch-built models do look different than the original, but not normally such that people would have a hard time telling what's what

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The Gaining Grounds docs are slightly ambiguous about scratch-built, but seems like scratch-built models are welcome if it's clear what the model is supposed to be. (Subject to TO decision, of course.)

I have brought scratch-built models to tournaments and had them welcomed in the past. And in casual play of course it's up to your friends, but most people are excited for it.

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