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Molly vs Rasputina

James Lorimer

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Hello fellow Corpse Raisers,


I'm currently playing in a small league at our club and I'm a bit concerned about my next match up. The league is 40ss matches, fixed master, fixed faction; I have opted for the wonderful Molly, with her usual smatterings of Belles, Doxies, Sybelle, Yin/Izamu, Crooligans, Guild Autopsies etc. However my next opponent is bringing Raspy, and having looked at his usual crew I'm seeing a bad match up!



His usual crew is 2-3 Gamins, 2-3 December Acolytes and the Wendigo, and sometimes the Ice Golem, when he wants a heavy hitter. My problem is that with Frozen Heart, my horror duels become ineffective, and the Molly's Revelation attack loses some of its kick. His ranged potential is massive with both Raspy's spell slinging and the Acolytes and I fear my models will be taken down before I even engaged. Combined with that, if he brings the Ice Goelm and sticks it up to Armour 4 - I don't think I have any heavy hitters that would take it out fast enough.


Can anyone suggest where I might find the rays of a possible win in this grey cloud of pre-emptive losing gloom?



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Lure will let you pull his Ice Mirror models out of range of Raspy, reducing her threat range. It will also let you pull those December Acolytes out of cover and into Charge range.


Crooligans can put up some very effective cover, and can start with your crew or close to Acolytes (if they deploy first).


The Student of Steel can ignore Armor (and Df triggers), and Molly can summon one right next to the Ice Golem, and it can get double positive on damage flips against the big guy. It is not rare, so Molly can summon three a Turn if she has the cards! And if you have the models. Combine with Gnawing Fear from Yin or Whispered Secret from Molly and it'll die pretty quickly. It will then blow up and kill everything you summoned, so why not take Spare Parts on Molly and you can have a Rogue Necromancy :)


I do not run Spirit Molly, but Shikome ignore Armor with a built-in trigger and have the speed to close very quickly if you are not summoning them. Gaki would make short work of Ice Gamin with Swallow You Whole on the Charge :) (I might have to try Spirit Molly soon!)


Slow on the Ice Golem will really limit its mobility. No Escape from Yin will end its Turn just as effectively as Paralyse would.


Remember to use indirect attacks to avoid enemy Df triggers, such as Unrelenting Stench, Black Blood and Punk Zombie's area attacks. All of these can combine with summons and activations (and deaths!) in the right order.


Consider Bete Noir or Killjoy as well. Raspy hates being in melee, and these two are excellent at locking down backfield casters.


And consider Sue, as his auras can force Raspy to focus or SS a Cast if she wants a straight flip.


I would want to get Molly into Summoning range of his forward models asap, and lock them down with cheap summons, forcing Raspy to spend AP freeing her models up again. Sybelle, with Call Belle, is perfect for that.

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Molly vs Rasputina is a matchup I'd be feeling pretty confident about as the Molly player.

Basically just ignore everything Terror-related (Molly's not particularly great at Terror lists anyway) and look at your other tools. Offensive summoning is great against Raspy's Gamin (or directly into melee with Raspy herself), Whispered Secret shuts down a key model for the turn, and you've got access to great mobility pieces to get Molly into position or pull her out of trouble. You've got better scheme-chasers, too. Just focus on mitigating the damage you'll take from December's Curse (positioning, disruption and engagement, all of which Molly is great at) and you should be fine.

(Sholto's advice is great. Listen to him.)

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I don't play against raspy as much as I'd like, but student of steel really is a great answer. For me, the effect might have been mostly psychological more then anything else. I'd just summon one right up into the golem/gamin/snow storm herd, and then raspy spends a good chunk of her activation killing it off because its too dangerous to leave alive there.

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