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Madaxeman's Mei Feng Crew


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My first foray into Malifaux involves far too many figures being bought, based and painted before I actually even try the game... 











I "might" add some static grass (and then drybrush it burnt to a crisp!) and some bits of railway to the bases, but I'm not sure it's really needed.


 Full details of how they were done are on Madaxeman.com



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Now appearing in a battle report on this forum:  http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103447-first-battle-report-mei-feng-on-madaxemancom/  with more pictures of them 'in action'


I also added some smashed-up rails and sleepers to the bases (Hornby track, cut up and painted), and have also realised that I based Kang & Mei Feng on the wrong bases part way through the game (when mei didn't fit int a space she wanted to railwalk into!)

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They look great!  You painting style is very clean, especially on Kang's apron and I love the smouldering Emberling.  I do think that the Rail Golem looks a bit like it's wearing a swimming costume though.  You're right, you do have the base sizes for Mei Feng and Kang transposed (it says on the card what base size is needed for the game).


What is the significance of the stars adorning various parts of your crew?

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They look great! I especially love the Rail Golem - I think that doing some areas in non-metal is definitely the right choice and the weathering is downright fantastic. The effect on the left leg is amazing. Really, really nice!

Close-ups of the Gamin would be fun as well, there was one in the battle report and it looked awesome.

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They look great!  You painting style is very clean, especially on Kang's apron and I love the smouldering Emberling.  I do think that the Rail Golem looks a bit like it's wearing a swimming costume though.  You're right, you do have the base sizes for Mei Feng and Kang transposed (it says on the card what base size is needed for the game).


What is the significance of the stars adorning various parts of your crew?


Glad you both like it - I'll dig some more photos out and add them to the page in the next few days


The Rail Golem is a real mix of paints - experimental stuff for me. Most of it is Humbrol enamel metallics drybrushed on a black undercoat, although that part of the left leg I think you migh be meaning is - oddly enough - black undercoat + fairly heavy white drybrushing + Orange Windsor & Newton ink (!!) - no metallics at all. The blue "demin" waistcoat was blue on white-drybrushed black undercoat  Everything was finished with Army Painter's darkest tone, which i really like for "metal" models.  


The stars were some spare WW2 decals that I had lying around - I wanted to get some element in the paint scheme that was "sharp-edged" / "manufactured" and get that onto the models, particularly on the Rail Golem, on that basis that he should look like he had been cobbled together from spare / broken industrial parts. Maybe the green star would have been part of some railway logo on a train funnel at some point...? I was also considering using some random serial numbers too, but didn't have any the right size - I also wasn't entirely sure that numbers and letters would work as well as just symbols. Not sure "Tom Daley" was the look I was going for with the Golem, but I guess if it rains in one of our games ... :lol:


My idea was that the red star would also make Kang look a little more like a proper old-school "socialist" and defender of workers rights ;)

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