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Marcus Beast Priorities


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Thanks for your input, but I think that my question was different.


You all gave pretty good advice on how to avoid getting your own models killed by the opponent. Well, that´s something I can already do well. No question.


But I like to be able to kill the opposing models! That´s it! Reckoning is regularly played in my area, it´s one of the common tournament strategies. And I don´t like to be the sitting duck that runs for the schemes, I want to be able to compete in the strategy itself.


I own a thematic swamp crew consisting of the well known swampfiend models everybody speaks about. If I want to be competetive in Reckoning no matter what I would go with Neverborn and his heavy beaters. But I like to keep the the theme of my model collection which is swamp related. Therefore I´m thinking about running a Marcus crew for some diversion and because I can still use most of my swamp themed models.


Well, once more: Which beasts are the heavy hitters (if there are any at all) who are able to EARN VP in Reckoning if led by Marcus instead of dancing around the opponent?



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I gave you some, but I mentioned they were durable so I see the confusion. In Reckoning, I like to take a more elite crew of models that can deal out some hurt while being a bit more difficult to put away. You want a mix of offense and defense.


Blessed of December. High Df, H2W, and a self heal and Leap for mobility is very durable.......she is also Ml 7 with an extra attack trigger and a fair damage track and again with Leap for mobility (which can be used to either get in or get out). So, good offensively.


Dawn Serpent......solid stats with a really good self heal and flight for mobility is very durable.......also Ml 7 with an auto poison bonus and a ranged attack......so good offensively as well.


Few things kill as well as a Cerberus but you need to be careful where you leave it.


Myranda is durable and can help other beasts stay alive.....but also has good Ml with auto poison....then once wounded she can Shapechange...denying Reckoning points....into something with even more hitting power like a Cerberus (or a Blessed if the first one is dead).


Marcus himself with Trail of the Gods can have a 4/4/6 damage track with Ml 6 and a potential extra melee attack....with the speed to threaten almost anywhere. He's no slouch in combat believe me.


The Waldgeist is tanky, but also can have a 4" Melee range with an average damage track that has two really good de-buffing triggers.


If you throw the Pack Leader Upgrade on one of your models (my choice is usually the BoD) then you can get a bunch of free attacks out of your beasts if Marcus throws a Feral or Law of Meat at an enemy.


The Marcus crew is not a straight fighter. Yes, there are beasts that can do decent damage and can be fairly defensive. But you can't just run them in there and expect to slug it out. You need to use a combination of abilities by shutting enemies down or at least slowing them down and then using your mobility to make the fight where you want it so you can limit retaliation. Guerrilla tactics are required.....that's why I threw in the info about running Marcus as a supporter.....especially early game. Shutting down enemy killers with Marcus while other models get the point for Reckoning until you've knocked down the enemy numbers is a smart way to play him.



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