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Hitting with multiple blasts



I was playing a game today and was told I had been doing blast markers wrong. I had a Ca action with a double blast (specifically Rasputina's severe damage on December's curse) . I was able to place the two blast markers as described in the rulebook and hit a second enemy model with both of the blasts. My opponent told me that the model which was under both of the blasts could only be damaged once by the blasts. We consulted the rulebook and couldn't find anything saying that a model hit by two blasts markers from the same spell is only damaged once.

We are both relatively new players and my opponent told me that was how he was taught by one of our local Henchmen, but I couldn't find anything in the rules which stated this. We thought it might be something from 1st ed. rules and our henchman never picked up on that rules change, but I've only ever played M2E rules so I have no knowledge of the differences between rulesets.

If a model can indeed only be damaged once by the two blasts, where does it say that in the rulebook?

Also, is a model can indeed be damaged by both blasts, does it deliver the damage all at once or does the damage resolve separately (thus overcoming Hard to Kill, being reduced by armor both times, etc.)?

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The rule you are looking for is on page 50 of the big rule book under the Blasts section.  Third Paragraph first line "All models who bases are touched or overlapped by one or more Blast Markers are affected".  So models are affected when One or More of the blast markers touches, that is the key wording.  If they took damage for each marker it would say for each marker that touches they suffer the effect.  So in Raspy's spell's case if one or more blast markers touch you you suffer the effect of the spell which is the damage but you only suffer the effect once.  Keeps the spells from being to strong as you could easily do more damage to someone from the blast then from the intial hit.  Hope the page number and what not helps.

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It is not specifically stated in the rules, but it is hinted at with two statements:


1.  Paragraph 3 under "Blasts" first sentence:  "All models whose bases are touched or overlapped by one or more Blast Markers are affected,"

It does not say the the model would be affected by each blast marker, just if it is touching or overlapped by one or more that it would suffer the effects.


2.  Paragraph 5 under "Blasts" first sentence:  "It is important to note that the original target does not take damage twice from the Attack."

This sets the precedence that a target would not suffer damage more than once from a Blast.

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