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[Scenario] Something’s Fishy...

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Something’s Fishy...


Yer fella’s listien up. Something’s not right in that place. Fellas dissapearing, crunchy noises, giant fishies are being seen, and worst of all, ‘shine is going missing there! Be careful around there when you swing that fishin’ pole...


Set Up

After deploying Crews, each player places a 50mm Fishing Pool marker on the centerline. Fishing Pool markers must be at least 6” away from each other and from the edge of the board. These markers are Ht 0, severe, hazardous terrain.



This scenario uses Standard Deployment.



Each model within “1 of a Fishing Pool marker may take a (1) Interact action to fish from the pool. Flip one card (which may not be cheated)  from your fate deck and compare the value to the following chart.


Black Joker, King of the Pond: Each model within :pulse 3 of the Fishing Pool marker suffers 4 damage which may not be reduced.


1, Old Boot: Each model within :pulse 3 of the Fishing Pool marker gains the Poison +1 conditon.


2, Pulled in!: Place the model which took the Interact action in base contact with target other Fishing Pool marker. If the other marker is not in play, Sacrifice the model instead.


3, Zombie Catfish Attack: The model which took the Interact action suffers 2 damage and gains the Undead characteristic.


4 - 5, Why do they throw away this…?: The model which took the Interact action gains the following condition for the rest of the game: "Covered in rubbish +1" Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1, to a minimum of 1. This model suffers -1 Wk. At the start of this models activation it may choose to end this condition"


6, Reel In: Target model within 8” of the Fishing Pool marker must pass a TN 14 Wk duel or gain the Insignifcant conditon and be pushed in base contact with the Fishing Pool marker.


7, Oooh, Shinies: Each player with 1 or more models within :pulse 2 of the Fishing Pool marker adds 1 Soulstone to their Pool.


8 - 9, Caught Something: The model which took the Interact action may choose to gain one of the following Attack Actions until it takes the chosen Action.


(0) Jellyfish (Sh 5 / Rst: Df/ Rg: 10 :ranged) Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains the Slow condition


(0) Swordfish (Ml 5 :ram / Rst: Df / Rg: 2 :melee) Target suffers 2/3/4 damage which ignores Armor.

:ram :ram It’s Angry!: After succeeding, take this action again. This action cannot declare triggers.


10 - 11, That’s a lot of Teeth:  The model which took the Interact action suffers 1 damage, then summons a Bayou Shark in base contact with the Fishing Pool marker. The Bayou Shark activates immediately after this model’s activation ends if able.This is a Chain Activation.


12, Watery Grave: The model which took the Interact action summons a Drowned into base contact with the Fishing Pool marker. The Drowned suffers 2 damage.


13, Barrel Floated Downstream: The model which took the Interact action makes a 2/3/4 healing flip and gains the Poison +2 condition.


Red Joker, It is friendly, I guess…:  The model which took the Interact action summon a Giant Catfish in base contact with the Fishing Pool marker, then remove the Fishing Pool marker.



At the end of every Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it has taken two or more Interact actions with a Fishing Pool marker during her turn.





Initial Concept: Revliss

Realization: PraetorDragoon & Makrar

People who sat confused in chat: Aaron.DarlandCharnelFireusertheLokiKitsune Sidhe

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Bayou Shark

Minion, Living

Beast, Swampfiend

40mm - 6ss


Df  Wp  Wd  Wk  Cg  Ht

 5    4      5     3     7    2


Ruthless: This model is Immune to Wp duels during its activation.


Apex Predator: When this model activates, if it is not engaged, its first action must be a Charge action if there is a legal target available. Charges made in this way are (1) actions.


Silent: Models cannot ignore LoS or cover when targetting this Model.


Insignificant: This model may not take Interact actions.


Baited into Action: This model cannot be hired and can only be summoned during the Fishing Day scenario


Attack Actions


(1) Rows of Sharp Teeth (Ml 5 / Rst: Df / Rg: :melee 1) Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. This attack must declare a trigger if able.

:tome Overwhelm: After damaging, take this action again against the same target, this attack suffers Ml -1. This trigger may only be declared if the attack which triggered it is Ml 2 or higher.

:crowFeeding Frenzy: After damaging, this model heals an amount of damage equal to the damage inflicted.


Tactical Actions


(0) Stalk: This model may discard a card. If it does, target enemy model within LoS gains the following Condition until this model takes this Action again: “Stalked: At the end of any Activation in which this model took a Walk or Charge Action, one opposing model with the Stalk Action may take a Walk Action that must end the move as close to this model as possible.”



Giant Catfish

Enforcer, Living, Rare 1

Beast, Swampfiend

50mm - 11ss


Df  Wp  Wd  Wk  Cg  Ht

 4    5     14    4     7    4


Terrifying (All) 13: Enemy models must pass a TN 13 Horror Duel if they end a Walk Action within this model’s engagement range, or target this model with an Action.


Smell Fear: Once per Turn, when an enemy model within 6” loses a Wp duel, this model

may immediately take a (1) Ml Action after resolving the current Action.


Impossible To Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer :-fate . Damage flips against this model may not be cheated.


Baited into Action: This model cannot be hired and can only be summoned during the Fishing Day scenario


Attack Actions

(1) Swallow You Whole (Ml 6 :mask / TN: 13 :mask:crow  / Rst: Df / Rg: :melee 1): Sacrifice target non-Leader model unless it discards two cards or two Soulstones. The target must be Ht 1 or have the Paralyzed Condition. If the target is sacrificed in this way, this model heals 2/3/4 damage.


(1) Flop (Ml 6 :mask / Rst: Df / Rg: :melee 2) Target suffers 3/4/6 damage. This Attack

must declare a Trigger if able.

:ramFlail: The damage flip gains :+fate :+fate .

:tome Splash: After succeeding, reduce the damage dealt with this attack to 0.


(1) Throw Up... (Sh 5 / Rst: Wp / Rg: :ranged 10) Target suffers 1/1 :blast /1 :blast :blast damage. This Attack must declare a Trigger if able.

:ram..some rocks: When damaging, this attack deals 2/3 :blast /4 :blast :blast instead and this model suffers 2 damage.

:crow ...some moonshine: All models damaged by this Attack gain the Poison +2 Condition.

:tomeHe was stuck: After damaging, summon a Bayou Gremlin in base contact with the target. The Bayou Gremlin suffers 1 damage and gains the Poison +3 conditon.



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