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Diving Charge and falling damage



OK, had this come up during a match today. Misaki was in a Ht 3 structure and could charge in a way that she would end in a Ht 2 structure, but she would have to pass through Ht 0 to do it. Would she take falling damage? And in case she would take falling damage, does anything stop her from climbing down 1" (Costing 2") and then dropping the other 2" to avoid any damage and then continue the charge?


I initially thought she wouldn't take falling damage, but by insistence of my opponent considered that she does touch Ht 0 during the move and that falling damage happens with the drop, not at the end of the move as well as Diving charge not giving immunity and Incorporeal models not being immune to it either, so I suppose it's correct to apply the falling damage, but I just wanted to confirm.

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Here's a pertinent piece from the FAQ about abilities that ignore terrain -- I'm not sure you'd even be able to make the charge to begin with since you're going HT3 to HT0 to HT2.



A model with the Incorporeal Ability ignores terrain when it moves. If it is on the ground floor of a building which is 10” tall, can it end its move on top of the building, even if its Wk stat is less than 10, since it ignores the building while moving? Same question for a model with Flight in regards to vertical terrain.

A: No. Although measurements in Malifaux are generally made from a top down view, vertical distances are measured while moving a model (see pg. 42 of the rulebook, Movement & Terrain). If the model with Incorporeal ends its move on top of the 10” tall building, it would have moved 10” and, unless it
has a Wk of 10 or greater, this is not a legal move. However, if the Incorporeal model has a sufficient Wk
stat to complete the move, it would be able to end the move on top of the terrain, ignoring the usual rules for climbing, etc. Flight works similarly, except in the case of Enclosed terrain (see Enclosed terrain, rulebook pg. 60).
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Yes If she fell from the charge (cause you wanted to) she would take damage. Nothing is preventing you from climbing in the charge. You could also climb 1"down then fall for no damage Then finish moving by climbing up. And end engaged. Also I swear there was a thread that if you same ht as the terrain you can strike something standing on it.

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Doesn't ignore terrain mean that you ignore falling until the end of the move? Otherwise a model with flight who wants to cross a gap would have to go down, move the width of the gap and then go up again, since the only explicitly height related thing on flight is ignoring falling damage.

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Doesn't ignore terrain mean that you ignore falling until the end of the move? Otherwise a model with flight who wants to cross a gap would have to go down, move the width of the gap and then go up again, since the only explicitly height related thing on flight is ignoring falling damage.





Incorporeal models take damage from falling, and they ignore terrain

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I think you ignore terrain during the move, it means you ignore gaps and walls, as long as you land on the other side. But that's as long as you land on the other side, on the same level you started. If you land on higher or lower terrain than you started, you must take vertical movement into account. So, Ht2 to Ht3 is Ht1 rise, the move must take into account Ht1 climb up. In this case Ht3 to Ht2 it means a fall of Ht1, so no damage. If it was Ht3 to Ht0, it would be Ht3 fall, so fall damage, or climb down movement

Ah, and given that you ignore terrain and its traits during your movement, but obviously not the entity of your movement(number of inches you can move), I think you ignore the double cost for climbing, you just move straight the amount you can, up or down. Imagine a model with wings that climbs by arms...xD

"I think" means "I play this way", just to not suffocate different opinions

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This is so stupid. Thank god I don't do tournaments and stuff and my players are all casual. Misaki JUMPS to the target.....but because of this wonky rule she needs to climb down first or take falling damage while she's flying through the air.......sure.


It's good though.........this is one of those things I can say I hate about the game when people accuse me of being a "fanboy".

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Incorporeal models take damage from falling, and they ignore terrain

And they still will if they ignore elevation until the end of the move, as they fall down then.


Fluff wise, flight, leap, diving charge should be able to cross a gap, incorporeal maybe. Rules wise they all say exactly the same, except for flight also getting damage immunity.


The FAQ explicitly says "ignore terrain" talents lets you change elevation upwards at normal movement rate ignoring climbing rules, which I take to mean that it doesn't matter if the terrain piece has the climbing trait or not. So would that mean that "ignore terrain" talents also lets you lower your elevation on a 1 for 1 basis even if there isn't anything with the climbable trait at hand?

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