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ShieldBreakers Video Battle Report! Lilith vs Rasputina


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We are BACK!!!

And we have a doosey of a battle for you this evening: Lilith vs Rasputina, with not 30, not 50, but 100 soulstones! Are we crazy?!?...probably

As usual, please feel free to leave comments, requests, and rules corrections/pointers below

Thanks for watching!

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Interesting battle report. Volume was a bit wonky though.


I'm curious about how you feel the game itself holds up at 100 SS. Is 3'x3' cramped? Does the control hand and soul stone cache still have enough influence? Keeping track of all the models, etc.

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I'm curious about how you feel the game itself holds up at 100 SS. Is 3'x3' cramped? Does the control hand and soul stone cache still have enough influence? Keeping track of all the models, etc.


Bengt: We did not find that using 100ss to build our crews resulted in a cramped board, but we both used a few pricier models rather than many small ones (i.e. I ran multiple cerberus and rattlers, rather than a bunch of ice gamin). This also meant that we did not have issues with identifying the individual models. I think the most repeats of a single type was three, which is fairly common in normal sized games as well.


As for the SoulStone cahce and control hands, neither of us felt like they had any less influence than we would normally expect.


As for the concerns about the format, we will definitely be taking these into consideration for our next video.


Thanks everyone!

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As an addendum: I did listen to the episode and enjoyed it. I liked the battle and the concept of very large games for a change of pace (and what was the actual time to play that game? lol). But physically watching it for any period of time really messed with me visually. That's a personal thing though, so please don't take offense to it.


Keep up the battle reports. I look forward to seeing more.

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I am a very big fan of you guys, so thank you for making videos again! :)


I am however not a very big fan of the 100ss format, as I watch Batreps to learn and apply the knowledge to my own games, which is a bit hard when you deviate so much from how a normal game would be.


- and I love the top down view btw ^^

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Thanks for the feedback. We are working on fixing the sound issues :/

As for the 100ss, while we understand that many people watch battle reports to learn general play, we thought it would be nice to show how you can vary it up sometimes just because.

The time on it was about six hours

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