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Cow Wars - Tournament for WAAC in Milton Keynes 23rd August


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Well its all done and dusted, and the results are in (despite a mistype, quickly corrected).

Congratulations to Joel, Aron and Luke who took the top 3 places. Results are here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12083335/Cow%20Wars%201/Malifaux%20Tournament%20Cow%20Wars%20Results.pdf


Pictures are here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lxq9b4vadihi5yj/AAC_alsngo8C1vkmwplZK7r3a?dl=0 which hopefully show that practical can still be pretty.


Many thanks to Wargames Workshop MK for hosting us, to KR Multicase, Simple Miniature Games, the Malifools and Trophies Direct (via PanzerHarris) for donating prizes, Maria for donating a painted Miss Pack for the auction, and BoyBucky for bring cakes. The auction raised just under £60 plus raffle & cake donations of £95 making a grand total of £335 to be donated to WAAC.


Thanks to everyone for coming, some a considerable distance, and helping things run smoothly and to time. See you all again in 12 months (or even sooner).

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Back from my first tournament since the Masters. Very much enjoyed, although I did manage to turn a 2-1 win and guaranteed 2nd place into a 7-2 loss in turn 7 against Aaron. Yes, turn 7! Luke had great fun ribbing me about it on the way home but at least I beat him so not all bad.


Thanks Dave for organising and to all those who donated for the auction/raffle. It's good to see a healthy amount of money raised for a very worthy cause as well.


Hopefully see you again at another tournament soon.



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Hi. Is it just me or does the link to the photos not work?


Anyway, thanks for a great tournament and especially thanks to those who lent me replacement models for the case I left at home!


I've gone from about 4 to 7 games of Mailfaux now! I learnt a huge amount, especially being schooled by Hutch and showing me the value of positive flips! Also thanks to Aron to taking the bait and killing Yamizako turn one giving me F4M!.



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Hi. Is it just me or does the link to the photos not work?


Anyway, thanks for a great tournament and especially thanks to those who lent me replacement models for the case I left at home!


I've gone from about 4 to 7 games of Mailfaux now! I learnt a huge amount, especially being schooled by Hutch and showing me the value of positive flips! Also thanks to Aron to taking the bait and killing Yamizako turn one giving me F4M!.



Photo link fixed.


Glad you enjoyed yourself - you certainly seemed to have a smile on your face all day despite some of the card flips your opponents were getting!

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