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The start of my Seamus crew


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So I played MX back when it first came out, giving Seamus a go and I enjoyed it a lot. For some reason we stopped playing and before we knew it there was 2nd edition and a whole heap of absolutely awesome new plastic kits!

Even though I have the old Seamus, 3 x belles, Sybelle and a flesh construct all painted I couldn't resist buying the new ones and getting some paint on them.

So here is the first M2e rotten belle to run alongside Seamus



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Thanks for the comments guys.

I'm aiming to keep them all quite bright, I usually paint quite dark so I'm trying to change it up a bit.

I also think with all that detail on these new plastics they tend to lose a lot when painted too dark.

Can't wait to get my micro art studio bases to really set them off, just waiting on the postman!

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  • 4 months later...



Its been a while since I picked up anything to do with Malifaux. Too many other shiny games and getting sent away for work for a couple of months really puts a dampener on things!


On the plus side, I now have those MAS bases I wanted and have ordered/bought a few things for the Ressers. There are punk zombies, nurses, constructs, yin, hanged...geez a fair bit when i list them all... :huh:


So back to the painting table I go to add to my one and only Belle. Im aiming to get these models looking as good as possible and improve my painting skills while I do it.


Ill also be finishing some terrain me and a mate started a while back when I first started this thread, so yeah, lots to do!

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The bag i used is actually in the last photo.


Its coarse tilers sand and it averages about 1 to 2mm in size with the odd bigger or smaller chunks. Turned out to be a really good size.


Just mixed it up with the dark brown and a little water and rolled it on with a smaller furry roller, super quick!

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  • 4 months later...

Aaaannd im back. After another lengthy hiatus from this great game :D


Good news is I finally had a couple of games the last week or so and ive also painted another Rotten Belle and a Flesh Construct.


Im going to aim to get 2 models a week painted. Im doing this differently than i usually do, most of the time i just get all of the belles or a few of the same or similiar things and paint them all in one go. However, this time im doing just one figure at a time, finishing it before moving to the next one, including the base.


Enough talk, here is the proof! (Thats the first belle from the start there, figured id include her now she is on a base)









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