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Playing against Ramos


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So, I'm working on the Pull My finger Tactica for Ramos, and  One of the things that needs work is the section on playing against the Spider Man. Now, SInce it is only recently that anyone in my group has had Ramos, I am far more used to playing as Ramos than against him. I could use some help in writing that part, even if it is only tips and tricks for it. I figure, we are smarter than I am, so Why not ask? Worst case, It's no worse off than now.


My thoughts going in:

*Seperate Constructs from Ramos, to deny him synergy


*Target Wp: They aren't generally lower than Df, but Wp does not benefit from Ramos Buffs.


*Get Ramos away from scrap, and deny him scrap wherever possible. Sure, he has ways to get scrap from himself, but making him work for it reduces his opportunities to do other things.


*Use Tarpits to keep him in one place. He can summon all he wants, but if he can't get models to His schemes/strats, he won't win a game.


*Whatever you do, don't pick Assasinate.


*If Ramos Brings a totem, kill it early.


and, of course,


*Focus on accomplishing your own schemes and strategy.


Any Disagreement, or additional thoughts?

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I would guess...

Use burst and rapid fire attacks to take down slowed wounded spiders before bleeding edge heals them up.

If there's a lot of terrain use high def larger models to block up lanes to stop advances.

Use attacks like decapitate and head shot to burn up ramos's hand forcing him to choose between summoning and more effective uses of cheating.

What worked on you when you played Ramos?

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"Play to your schemes and strategies" is good advice, but at this point it's probably an answer most people can predict. More useful would be "choose and pursue schemes that don't play to Ramos' strengths." Then, maybe, list some of them and how to pursue them against Ramos. (I'd imagine, for instance, that Make Them Suffer might be pretty easy against Ramos, since he creates a lot of Spiders. And Assassinate is probably a bad call.)


Will armor-penetration help? (Things like Magical, for instance?) Will anti-healing help? (like Hanged or Decaying Aura?)

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