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Please Help Re-Light My Fire........

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I have become disillusioned with Malifaux and Wyrd. I am not wanting to turn this into a bashing Wyrd Session but I am coming to the community to get re-excited about this game. I currently have 2 factions that I was tricking out in plastic. Rezzers and Neverborn. I own Lilith and Lynch and Kirai and Seamus and Yan Lo. I know I am missing some plastic sets but I just can't seem to be motivated about Malifaux.  

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I'm a big Wyrd fan and Malifaux Fanatic, but even I get burned out sometimes. After doing the Beta stuff and playing almost exclusively Malifaux for.... over a year? Yeah, was getting pretty burned out on the game. Took a break, been playing DZC and Infinity and slowly been feeling that Malifaux itch calling out to get scratched.


Long term, you may just need a break. Play some other stuff to remember what's special and different about Malifaux. I could list reasons I think the game is special, but they may not really apply to you., and I dont think they'd convince you anyway. Take a step back, dont try to force yourself to love it. You'll come back to it on your own.


Because at its core; its a very addictive and fun game.

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Not sure if it will help, but my usual method of re-energising is similar to Shine's - play some other games for a bit. Worst-case scenario: you'll find a new game that you really enjoy, and you'll give up on Malifaux entirely for a while. Likely scenario: you'll realise how much more fun you'd be having if you were playing Malifaux instead. ;)


Taking a break is definitely something we all need once in a while. Keep your crews, though - when you get the urge to play again in a few months, you'll regret having gotten rid of them.


Having been there myself a few times (I'm almost at the point of taking a break right now, in fact), I don't think there's another reliable way to bring back your enthusiasm for a game if you're already immersed in it. However, new ideas can sometimes get you there - try listening to some podcasts or reading articles, and see if anything catches your eye-ears.

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Taking a break is a good idea.  


Have you been playing with a social group or random folks at tournaments and such?  If I am not connecting with one or more personal friends or family members, I give the game up after about a year.  Many, many people use games as a platform for social interaction and lose interest if the social interaction isn't there.

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I used to be a raging Warhammer played I am currently going through a similar thing as you but for WHFB. I turned to Malifaux and bascially stopped playing altogether but a short while ago I read some of my old Warhammer books and it totally rekindled my love for the High Elves and I dug them out for a week and had some fun. After having played a few games with my Warhammer armies I came back to Malifaux and was eager to get some card action going. I love Warhammer but DAMN those dice are fickle! I'm basically echoing what the other guys said but try playing other games (PC, Console, Tabletop) for a few weeks then come back to Malifaux and see how you feel. Definitely hang onto your crews for a while though. If you sell them and want to come back you will probably regret getting rid of them. 

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