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The secrete construct sub faction


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So I bought my Ramos crew and started looking into my next purchaces, noticed in many online builds a lot of the same models (joss, rusty alice, etc) tend to make it into Levi, Hoff, and Ramos army lists.

This happens so much, that after you get the most common models adding two more crew boxes can save you money. I'm wondering a few things...

1. Is it better to go all one faction rather than build the construct master in three different factions?

2. Assuming my local opponents get familiar with the fact I run all construct lists, would it be a serious detriment if when faction is declared they can guesstamate my master/build?

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As far as 2. goes I have found the ability to guesstimate lists to be a great boon at the start of the game. It works both ways though, if you know that your opponent knows you as the construct guy then you can start figuring out counters to johan and tealor.

Guessing what is going into your opponents list gets easier the more you play with them too, so it is not something to worry about too much.

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Regarding your first question, there isn't really an answer to that. Its better to do whatever you want really. If you want the full (or just more of) the faction then go for it. If you would rather just play the various construct based masters (and there are, IMO, more than those 3 who do well with construct based crews) then that is equally valid.

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Colette is also quite happy to bring constructs, not because they are constructs per say but because she just want good models. Collodi brings tons, but they are pretty much just his own.

Lucius is very happy to bring constructs, as long as they are minions.

In fact most masters are quite happy to bring constructs as a lot of the constructs are quite good in their own right. And don't just look for masters who does things with 'constructs', but look at the models you want to bring and see what the master can do for them.

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Vanessa brings an interesting construct ability into play for the Viks, it's effectively a sort of construct obey. So you could play a construct focused Viks crew to benefit from that. And double so if you bring Lazarus as well as he will benefit from other constructs.

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