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swampy lynch


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So, I'm at work thinking (its were I think the most as my job dosnt require thought) lynch is often said to strugle with strats that require lots of movment and its often said that ,your game plan shouldn't revolve around brilliance but should take advantage of it so I think why not use swampfeinds. I have a soft spot for juju and like he's undieying thing, hungering darkness can doa similer thing. I have no book/pdf as I'm at work, but hears a mock list idea

Lynch the 2 normal upgrades and the rising sun one

Hungry (can upgrade if you wish)

Juju with undieying upgrade

2 slurids to do what ever my job may be

Spawnmother to make gupps to die

What ever els you can fit in within the points

Now you may think if your swampy why not zoraider. But she dosnt really do a lot of swampy stuff, she's good with them, but she's good with anything really. Her disign is to make things better no matter there keywords.

So the bad

No tots, they are amazing with jacob, you could put them in but there fighting with slurids for space

Not much briliance interaction. You may still have points to put some in, but its not there standard if you want it.

Not a lot of hard hitters

A lot of expensive stuff

Not enough discard mecanics, I may be wrong

The good

Bothe the big boys don't die easy

You have a lot of hand manipulation to make your good guys hit reliably

Hungry can still obay juju with a bit of work to make him able to flurry

The thing I really like is kinde of a bomb mecanic, you brilliance a gupp (not sure how yet) and then shoot it with lynch or something or get lucky and the enemy kills it and then juju and hungry bothe pop out into the enamy team

So yh, may be a lot of mistakes there as I have no source matirial and It may be a bad idea, but its a little gimmik idea with some power behind it

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I actually tried out this at one point - prior to Wave 2, so it was mainly Hungry, Juju, some Waldgeists and some Illuminated. Hungry and Juju can lead the charge and keep coming back, and the other guys aren't exactly easy to deal with either. It was fun to try out, though probably not something I'd try on a regular basis.

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