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Dual faction, Misaki and the Friekorps Librarian



OK, question that popped up in the Spanish forums and nobody is really clear about it. I use Misaki as a Ten Thunder master, I hire a Friekorps Librarian, can she use the heal more than once per turn since Misaki is an Outcast leader? It is the same case as McCabe as a Ten Thunders master and Lazarus, who from what I understand can't currently hire Lazarus, or at least is not an option in the crew creator. The wording only really mentions the leader being of the faction, doesn't really go into the faction of the crew.


So anyone can enlighten us?

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I'd say that, since you declared that you'd be playing as Ten Thunders during the start-up phase, Misaki would be considered a Ten Thunder master, and not Outcasts - but then again, I've only been playing the game for like 2 weeks xD

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what ever you declare youself as is what you are. so if misaki is TT then she can only be healed once.


the lazurus issue has verbage that states if the master belongs to guild cant be hired. so mcabe while TT still belongs to the guild.


the libby does not have the verbarge that lazurus does is the only reason why i see she only heals once.

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As I read it in the rulebook:


"Faction never changes". So if someone belongs to a faction and the declared faction is another, it will never stop being of that faction.


"(Dual Models) belong to both faction for the purposes of hiring". It is clear that lazarus is banned from any McCabe, McMourning, Lucius crew even if they do not declare guild as a faction.





"If the crew's leader is not an outcast". The crew leader (Misaki) is still an outcast, becouse she never ceased to be. And also, if the intent was the contrary, the correct verbiage would have been, "If the declared crew is not outcast..."

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the difference i see is that As you said for Hiring they never stop. but after hiring TT misaki no longer Outcast misaki.  at least thats what i am reading. The libby is not like yeah you could have been "hired" as outcast so here have more healing.

But then why is it a problem during hiring for Lazarus? My crew is already established as TT so McCabe is not a Guild by that definition master, yet he still can't use it.

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(1) Healing Energy: (Ca: 6t / TN: 13t / Rg: 6): Target model heals 1/2/3
damage. If this Crew's leader is not an Outcast, this Action may only be taken
once per Turn.


Above is the Librarian's healing spell. It states "If this Crew's leader is not an Outcast. Misaki is an Outcast, she is also 10T. Regardless of whether you take Misaki as 10T or Outcast Master, she is ALWAYS a member of the 10T and at the same time ALWAYS an Outcast. Librarians can heal her twice because she does belong to the Outcast faction even if she is currently using a 10T crew. At least this is how I understand it. 


She doesn't stop being an Outcast as soon as the encounter starts just because she has declared she will be using a 10T crew. Her card has both the 10T and Outcast Faction Symbols and as per the rules quote above, factions don't change. McMourning is always a Resser and a Guild member though he might be using Resser crews. Tara is a Resser even though she might be using her Outcast crew. It makes no difference. 

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I dont understand why lucas mccabe and lucius can not hire lazarus in the crew creator and mcmourning can do it while they are not playing as guild masters. Finally what is the official answer? Can I hire lazarus with lucius in neverborn? Knows someone the truth or it could be knowed? :)

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The crew creator isn't 100% reliable, nor should it necessarily be taken as an indication of how the rules should be played (though it's generally safe).


My reading at present is that McMourning, McCabe and Lucius should never be able to hire Laz regardless of Faction.


(That makes sense from a fluff perspective, too - even when they're not working for the Guild directly, they're still very much known associates of it.)

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