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I may be in the minority here, but I feel that the current boxes, with the combination of concept art and render, are quite acceptable.  You get both the color imagery and accurate representation.  As has been said earlier, delaying release to get painted minis onto the boxes sounds like a Bad Thingtm.


I would say that my main gripe with the site would be the Store doubling as the Catalog.  Not being able to see all of the product line when some things are out of stock is rather bad imho (there are quite a few minis I didn't know existed until I dug into Mako's Modeltracker).  The deactivation of the store while relocating the warehouse has made the issue particularly blatant.  I know GW and Reaper get away with doing this double-duty, but I think they've got deeper pockets, and with it less "out of stock" moments - and I'm pretty certain that Reaper doesn't hide products that are OOS, just hides the add-to-cart button.

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Quite frankly when we started showing renders everyone cried the world was falling and that it was the end of all things. Guess what .. sales have increased pretty damn well, and I get just as many folks saying 'thanks' as I hear 'boo' over the renders on the box.


To toss in my thoughts on this: I come in part not just from the gaming model world, but the fine detail scale model world. I think a bunch of folks should take a saunter over to Dragon models and check on some of their box art. They have the illustration showing the tank/plane/crew/truck in its 'natural habitat', and then the back-side is all pics of what is in the box.


I for one love the new grey renders. There are minor personal taste disagreements (art vs render mirroring, and scales not necessarily being true) but being able to see what the detail will (hopefully) look like on the models is ideal. I know exactly what components go with whom, get a rough assembly guide (and the actual assembly guides are fantastic additions), and finally, am not having my tastes biased by another person's scheme.


Ideally, I love the GW setup of painted/sprue combo. I view those sprue pics as essentially porn. As long as the box art isn't misleading as to what's in it, and shows off the models inside enticingly, Wyrd's done everything I need the box to do. As for the site, more info is better. It's a lot easier to self-edit info, and look how many blogs are nothing but sprue pics, contents shots, and assemblies.


TL:DR version: renders were such a good move.

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I may be in the minority here, but I feel that the current boxes, with the combination of concept art and render, are quite acceptable.  You get both the color imagery and accurate representation.  As has been said earlier, delaying release to get painted minis onto the boxes sounds like a Bad Thingtm.


I would say that my main gripe with the site would be the Store doubling as the Catalog.  Not being able to see all of the product line when some things are out of stock is rather bad imho (there are quite a few minis I didn't know existed until I dug into Mako's Modeltracker).  The deactivation of the store while relocating the warehouse has made the issue particularly blatant.  I know GW and Reaper get away with doing this double-duty, but I think they've got deeper pockets, and with it less "out of stock" moments - and I'm pretty certain that Reaper doesn't hide products that are OOS, just hides the add-to-cart button.


I too have no issue with the new boxes.  I really want to second and reinforce the idea of a separate  catalog of some sort.I don't have to buy directly from Wyrd--and in fact I am unlikely to.  But it would help me spend more of my money if I had a complete catalog of models available. 


There are folks, such as myself, who have a "collecting gene" and will seek out older models on the secondary market.  Not that such things are directly profitable to Wyrd, but the existence of a secondary market helps keep some people interested and brings others in.


So yes, please, a catalog of all models/sets past and present.

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OK I think I'm going to shut down this thread. Not because of any issue with the discussion. But it has moved onto 3 or 4 new subjects. Feel free to start up new threads on the Website, Packaging, Catalogues with an appropriate titles.

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