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Bound by Law & Stampede



Two more questions after a gaming some evenings ago.


(1) Bound by Law (Ca 5 / TN: 13 / Rst: Wp / Rg: 12): Target suffers 2 damage. Undead targets suffer 2/4/8 damage instead. Target gains the following Condition until the end of the turn: “Arrest: This model must discard a card to take a Walk or Charge action.”


If you attack an Undead model do you treat the attack as an opposed duel. Check for difference and calculate Fate modifiers. Or do you just Flip a card and deal 2/4/8 cheatable damage?


Second question. I’m sure of that it must be a thread on this some where, but my computer skills can’t find it.


:ram Stampede: After damaging, this model suffers 1 damage and must Charge the closest legal target which it is not engaged with. This Charge may be made while engaged. This model may only declare this trigger once per activation.”


A Piglet is forced to pig charge The Judge and on its first attack it triggers Stampede. The next target, Exorcist is standing a little less then 3” away from Judge. So the piglet can be placed so both Judge and Exorcist is within 1” from the stampeding piglet. Two attacks are made ageist Exorcist. Can the piglet still perform its last ML action against The Judge witch it resaved from its first charge action?


My take on it is NO. The two ML actions you are allowed to take are a part of the charge action. So when you are forced to perform another action the first action ends.



Edited by Bahoola, Today, 01:01 AM.

Ha! That tile actually formed another question for me. Let’s say that the piglet has the Arrest condition and activates more then 2” away from a gremlin and I don’t have anny cards in my hand. Witch rule is more specific?


Set'er Off: When this model declares an action if it is not engaged or within 2" of a friendly Gremlin, it must take a Charge action if there is a legal target available.




“Arrest: This model must discard a card to take a Walk or Charge action.”

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It can't charge if you don't have cards.

There is a call out saying actions causing actions. First action you did was charge. Which that attack then triggers another action which is charge. Which triggers 2 attacks so once those actions are resolved we back track if I read this correctly. If the model is still in melee range I don't see why it would not get its second attack. But it is indeed very screwy. Iys an opposed duel and an attack action so bound by law would fall under the accuracy modifiers. And the duel totals would be used to determine the modifier.

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Two more questions after a gaming some evenings ago.


(1) Bound by Law (Ca 5 / TN: 13 / Rst: Wp / Rg: 12): Target suffers 2 damage. Undead targets suffer 2/4/8 damage instead. Target gains the following Condition until the end of the turn: “Arrest: This model must discard a card to take a Walk or Charge action.”


If you attack an Undead model do you treat the attack as an opposed duel. Check for difference and calculate Fate modifiers. Or do you just Flip a card and deal 2/4/8 cheatable damage?


You always treat attacks as opposed duels. If you attack a non-undead model the difference just does not matter (as long as you win). This is not an automatic 2 damage. You can see that because it has 'Rst: Wp'



“  :ram Stampede: After damaging, this model suffers 1 damage and must Charge the closest legal target which it is not engaged with. This Charge may be made while engaged. This model may only declare this trigger once per activation.”


A Piglet is forced to pig charge The Judge and on its first attack it triggers Stampede. The next target, Exorcist is standing a little less then 3” away from Judge. So the piglet can be placed so both Judge and Exorcist is within 1” from the stampeding piglet. Two attacks are made ageist Exorcist. Can the piglet still perform its last ML action against The Judge witch it resaved from its first charge action?


My take on it is NO. The two ML actions you are allowed to take are a part of the charge action. So when you are forced to perform another action the first action ends.


Not sure about this. I would think you resolve the first charge completely before doing the second, but I don't have the book with me, so I can't check.



Let’s say that the piglet has the Arrest condition and activates more then 2” away from a gremlin and I don’t have any cards in my hand. Witch rule is more specific?


Set'er Off: When this model declares an action if it is not engaged or within 2" of a friendly Gremlin, it must take a Charge action if there is a legal target available.


“Arrest: This model must discard a card to take a Walk or Charge action.”


Arrest has precedence. You must discard a card to charge. If you don't the charge fails (and the piglet can do nothing, assuming there is a legal target available)

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My interpretation has been the same as TheGodlyness: You perform the first attack of the charge, the trigger procs, and then once that's done, you continue resolving the second attack of the charge.  Often, you'd be out of range and nothing would happen, but if you're still in range you'd get another swing in at The Judge.

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So I finely pulled my thumb out from my ass to answer. It has been a hectic month to keep it short, and I wouldn’t really bothered answering if you didn’t think this where going to be an interesting one Omenbringer.


@ Godlyness, that call out box made it all very clear, so thank you for pointing that out.


@ Egoon, 2/4/8 cheatable damage seemed a bit too strong with out fate modifiers, that is how ever how we unfortunately played it. Since neither off us cud find why it should be ruled as an opposed duel. Don’t ask! Guess we both flipped black jokers on that one :P


But the ting with the piglets set off and bound by law all of us down at the club are in consensus that what it really says contradicts how we think it’s supposed to be played. I think the term is Raw Vs. Rai, correct me if I’m wrong.



First sentence under Declare Action and Spend AP (p35 small book)

The player begins an Action by announcing to her opponent what Action the model is taking.

And since Arrest id phrased “This model must discard a card to take a Walk or Charge action” You have to discard a card before announcing what you are up to. Witch creates a loophole since no AP is being spent.


In shot, I’m forced to charge but I can’t announce that since I don’t have the card to discard. And to break that loophole we must answer the question “Witch rule is more specific” and let that rule over rule the other one.


So we just House Ruled it. No are not considered taking an action until you have spent AP for it.

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