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Nighmare Editions ever re-released?


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Are Nightmare editions ever re-released at subsequent gencons etc?


They have not technically done so, although they did "re-pop" the Tara box from GenCon 2013 in a different color plastic (smoke?) for the Black Friday sale, so one wonders if this year's nightmare box my not get a similar re-release this fall for Black Friday.  With the expense of making molds for the plastic kits, it would not surprise me to see Wyrd get further use out of them in that manner, which also seemed popular with the customer base.

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I wonder if nightmare and/or smoke tara will be resold for this year's gencon, since Tara still isn't available. 


I hope that nightmare void wretches will be sold at gencon. Ideally smoke ones since they fit with either set (prime them if you got grey plastic, unprimed/painted if you got smoke tara). Good for adding to any outcast sprue too.

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If there's remaining stock, there's been extra stock of nightmare stuff resold several times (always during short period sales). I assume that considering there were two castings of it made, and plastic is more of a mass production material, there's more nightmare taras out there than there is of previous nightmare metals. 

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