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Two Questions


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A while ago I bought several box sets with the intent of getting Malifaux started in my area.  Life intervened and then suddenly 2E reared its head.  So I waited.  Now I have the 2E book and the Wave 1 cards.  I have noted that the 2E box sets all have an additional figure when compared to their 1E/1.5E box sets. 


So my first question is, under the new rules, are the old 1E crew compositions still viable and balanced against each other?  In other words if I field the old box sets against each other will they still be balanced in play?


And my second question is,  do they intend to release the “added” figures singly so you can round out the crews?


If these were already answered on another thread, I missed it and a simple pointer to the thread in question will be a lot more helpfull than a diatribe about how it was already answered.....

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Balanced, yes they are really well balanced against each other for major part. If you have the arsenal decks and the book you are good to go. On the models it has been said that they will not be sold separately. What models would you be after?

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1) Yes...ish. The biggest issue is that the boxed sets are not all the same SS cost, even before you consider cache or upgrades.


The Shadows of Redchapel box comes out to 26 SS before you consider upgrades, or stones for the master's cache, while Lilith's box comes out to 25, and Nicodem's comes out to 33.


2) Officially there has been no announcement that they intend to release the new miniatures that are in the boxed sets separately. So if you want them, or the new sculpts of the unique minis that are in the boxed sets the only way to get them is to buy the box, or look to after market sellers of bits.

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2) Officially there has been no announcement that they intend to release the new miniatures that are in the boxed sets separately. So if you want them, or the new sculpts of the unique minis that are in the boxed sets the only way to get them is to buy the box, or look to after market sellers of bits.


No plans to do so now or any time soon unless something drastically changes, which I don't expect. 





I would kinda think that's as official as it's going to get at this point.

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Thanks for the all the info and the link.


While it's a bummer about individual figure sales, I'm not too surprised.  This approach will drastically cut down on packaging and handling costs for them. 


The old box sets I have are Lady Justice, Perdita, Rasputina, Colette and Kirai.  I also have the 1.5 version of new sculpt plastic The Thunder w/Misaki.


Card wise, I have all the Wave 1 cards so that gives me cards for the Lady Justice, Perdita, Rasputina and Misaki boxes.  I'll most likely wait for the Wave 2 cards to field Colette and Kirai. 


Looking at the 1E, shop I can buy the old single Enslaved Nephilim, Scales of Justice, Wendigo (though the new one appears to have two figs versus one in 1E) to round out the wave one boxes.   But I really think the new sculpts are far better than the old ones, plus I prefer plastic to metal. 



None of this makes an unsurmountable obstacle.  I just wanted to check a few things out before committing the time to complete the painting and money to fill the holes.

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