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Faction Identities

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I think Outcasts real identity is specialization, almost all their models are specialized to either work with a specific Master or be really good at one thing. Which is kind of the flipside to the Guild, where most of their models are fairly solid all round and work with all Masters fairly well.


I've found that to be more true of the Ten Thunders and the Arcanists than the Outcasts. I'm finding a lot of the lists I'm planning out contain cross-crew models (Ronin, Freikorps Specialists and Librarians, the Obedient Wretch, Convict Gunslingers, Hans, etc.). In TT, a lot of "core" models in each master's theme crew are downright unavailable to the rest of the faction (Beckoners, I'm looking at you), and in Arcanists, the masters tend to bring more powerful synergy to their crews. Von Schill is perfectly happy as a super solo or with a few FK models, but I can't see Rasputina rolling with a beast crew.

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...but I can't see Rasputina rolling with a beast crew.


You should try out a Cat Lady Rasputina crew some time, it's fun.


One of the features of the new edition is that every Master's viable crew selection was hugely increased, to at least cover most of the models in their own Faction and in many cases beyond. Super-specialised synergies are largely a thing of the past.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm kind of in the same boat but I didnt play 1.5 just starting out and all the choices can seem overwhelming.


I eventually decided on Gremlins, mostly because with enough minatures that fraction seems like it can do everything well.. want shooty, get the gun line running and done, want summoning (and sick activation pwonwership) done, want biggins whalloping peps (battle pigs attack!) want tricky gimics, dont think it gets more tricky than a Som'er piglet sooey swarm or a bacon bombing pigapult, want one single uber fig to rule the board, glowy Killjoy or Gracie please.   


goofy fun, legit competitive capibilities, and more than anything the ability to vary playing styles (heck I'll likely get board with one play style anyways, even if it is successful)


if cost was a concern though.... I think I would just go with the frekorps/vics combo as they seem to be able to do fairly well without needing to greatly alter a set army list.

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