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Help against the Dreamer and Coppellius


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How do you guys play against the Dreamer?  Coppellius always seems to kill about double his points, while using his speed to get basically into my deployment zone by turn 1. 


I realize I should provide details.  Generally, my opponement uses daydreams to get Coppellius moved up, and the Dreamer's Obey and ability to give flight.  Coppellius goes surging forward, and depending on the deployment, ends up in combat with either my Austringers or my riflemen (basicaly whoever my long range specialist is at the time.)  Once there, he Somehow despite bringing two teddy's and copellius, I still end up out-activated by the end, making it hard to retaliate to the attack by coppellius.   Once Coppellius attacks, the wave of horror duels often ends up doing horrendous damage and paralysis to my firepower.



Any ideas?  What do you use against Dreamer?

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Shoot him before he is in combat? if he is using day dreams to push then that gives you the abilty to shoot back. even with his walk of 7 14inchs plus a 5 inch push is not near you. now if the dreamer pushes him 1 time he is then out of range but if he only shoves him 5 then 6 thats 11plus 14 at 25" well with in range. now lets say he walks a day dream and shoves him 5 more inchs. thats 30" but some where in this you get a chance to shoot him.


if he gets into combat 1st turn he is not attack so he is df 4. which makes him really really squishy 10 wounds is nice and all but being df 4 makes sad days.


so its not impossible by any means to kill coppelius just needs some planning and for thought. and terrain helps.

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A trick I learned with my GW Dark Elves,... deploy further back. Most people, (when given a 10" deployment zone for example) will place their army as far forward and up against the line as possible. I learned that simply pulling back that extra 3" made all the difference. It makes for a whole other turn to get in range,.. and leaves them standing there, 3" in front of you, to get shot in the face at your discretion.

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A trick I learned with my GW Dark Elves,... deploy further back. Most people, (when given a 10" deployment zone for example) will place their army as far forward and up against the line as possible. I learned that simply pulling back that extra 3" made all the difference. It makes for a whole other turn to get in range,.. and leaves them standing there, 3" in front of you, to get shot in the face at your discretion.


Wait what? You know. I always deploy on the 6" line and this thought has never even crossed my mind :D

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It would help to know what you are taking, in general.  Sometimes, a change of masters can help immens



So far both times I have played him it has been with a Lucius crew.  The crew generally will include Ryle, some combo of austringers or riflemen with Dashell, a couple guild guard and a hunter (though I may start dropping the hunter for stalkers as the hunter's speed isn't needed as much against NB). 


The other models I own are the rest of the lucius box, the entire Sonya box, a peacekeeper, an executioner, and a warden.  (I have 3 GG, 3 riflemen, 2 austringers.) 


I have thought about going all in on the horror duel avoidance, with my guild sarge, my lawyer, ryle and the warden as the main base of my force.  I also have thought about borrowing Franc. from a friend to push coppellius away from my guys and into a 1:1 that will at worst tie him up and at best kill him off.

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So far both times I have played him it has been with a Lucius crew.  The crew generally will include Ryle, some combo of austringers or riflemen with Dashell, a couple guild guard and a hunter (though I may start dropping the hunter for stalkers as the hunter's speed isn't needed as much against NB). 


The other models I own are the rest of the lucius box, the entire Sonya box, a peacekeeper, an executioner, and a warden.  (I have 3 GG, 3 riflemen, 2 austringers.) 


I have thought about going all in on the horror duel avoidance, with my guild sarge, my lawyer, ryle and the warden as the main base of my force.  I also have thought about borrowing Franc. from a friend to push coppellius away from my guys and into a 1:1 that will at worst tie him up and at best kill him off.


The simplest thing you could do is spread out just far enough were Coppelius cannot engage more than one model.  Another is to position Ryle so that he must be engaged if Coppelius insists on shooting across the board.


Lucius can give Coppelius real problems as well.  Teleporting your ranged units out of melee is the best option, and then Lucius can tag Coppelius with Red Tape afterwards.

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