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Posts posted by MestreGuilderius

  1. On 6/12/2024 at 9:03 AM, Chou said:

    I really like all the models, but the cavern nephilim upside down is the winner!

    Thank you ! Weirdly enough, I was really pumped up when I started painting him, but the fact that he's glued on textured paste (even if it had weeks to dry) made the thing a tad jingly.... Was not the most enjoyable piece of the crew xD


    Kastore1 on the other side, a rightful pleasure through and through :D started K2 last night, hopefully I'll have him finished for my game on friday night 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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  2. Hello there !

    Did not post anything lately, real life is taking a hefty toll on my painting time.

    Still, managed to finish these up. Next plans are to complete Returned kw, then I'll switch back to Nightmare crew for a funny little project I've had in mind for some time now :3










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  3. So ! Finally found the time to finish my Alt Doppleganger. Quite satisfying mini to paint, lots and lots of textures ^^ I even tried to simulate the fact that skin is growing on the back of the skull, as if it's morphing ^^

    Tentacles were a nightmare to paint though, always one in the way of the brush xD




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  4. 11 hours ago, Hawkoon said:

    These are excellent! Love the portal and the OSL. You've really improved since you started posting in the forums👏

    I'm no expert on NMM gold, and I think this looks really good, it's hard to belive it's your first attempt. I think you can go even darker to enhance the illusion of reflecting metal next time. If I've understood the colour theory right, you also want a slightly green hue in the darkest shadows. But I've never actually attempted it myself, so I may be wrong.

    Awwww thanks a lot !!! I do my best to learn and apply new technics as often as possible :)

    I also feel a bit more confident about light placement and color theory^^

    And these are my 2 real first attempts at gold nmm, and my 4th and 5th nmm ever ( the first 3 were the Nekimas and Lilith as Barbaros proxy^^). I feel like nmm helped a ton understanding lighting and colors, I'm surprised myself as how easily it's coming to me now xD

  5. Heyo all ! Excellent idea for dear @Hawkoon as always, will definitely support this thread the best I can :D

    My last 2 minis, Arhorak and Dreamer Insomniac ;)

    Featuring my first 2 attempts at gold nmm (Athorak's weapon and linings on Dreamer PJ) and also a magic portal made out of uv resin xD

    Cheers !








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  6. Thanks @Hawkoonfor the hard work ! Discovered the thread only a few months back, but it's been motivating and encouraging !

    As a farewell gift to this thread, a little proxy I did for replacing the classic Barbaros sculpt that I do not like very much.

    Will start assembling and painting Returned very soon, so here's my first mini of 2024 (had to stop painting since october due to moving in our new house).

    Lots of doubts and hesitations before managing to paint again, lack of practice made me feel guilty and unsure....

    Cheers everyone, and a very happy and healthy new year !!!




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  7. 19 hours ago, Diddick said:

    Spooky mini indeed!   Congrats on getting so much contrast with such muted colors 👏

    Thank you^^ I usually do pretty vibrant minis because I like them to pop a lot. But doing something this much desaturated was a first for me, had a lot of hesitations and got solid advices along the way^^

    The thing that did the trick was to add 2 layers of very diluted dark blue in the shadows and the most desaturated tones of the skin, to bring more cold.

    I think I'll try to do something quite similar for my next kw Savage.

    But that will wait for after I've finished Nekima2 and that we moved to the new house (Nekima2 will be the last mini I paint before I pack up all my painting gear for maybe a few weeks 😭😭😭)

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  8. Finished Nekima last night. For once, happy with the work I pulled off. Even gave a try at nmm (first time ever) for the upward edge of the blade. Wasn't easy at all to say the least 😅

    Next in line, last doggo and Nekima2. Moving to the new house in the first days of november, so hopefully I'll manage to finish her up and might even be able to do the Noxious Nephilim ^^ fingers crossed :D




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  9. Some of the minis I'll manage to paint this month :) 3 Corrupted Hounds and the Blood Hunter^^

    They were my first attempt at slapchop ever, and turned out quite good for the time I spent on them (approx 2h for the 3 doggos, and about 1.5h for the totem, painting the bases included). Not that much of a fan of this technic, but I admit it can be a breezer when in need of your painting shoot and don't have much time to spend on "lesser" minis xD

    Hopefully I'll still find time to finish Lelu and Lilitu, and maybe even start Nekima (though that is quite unsure xD).






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  10. 7 hours ago, Hawkoon said:

    @MestreGuilderius Quite interesting take on the nephilim colouring. Looks very good. Some of the images are possibly a little too dark to pick out the nuances I know is there (thanks to insta 😉 ). Good work on both quality and quantity 👏

    @djmacbest Love the scion and looking forwards to seeing Barbie finished. Really striking colourchoises, that I wouldn't think of myself, but looks really good😂

    @Viruk You're a beast as usual when it comes too sheer quality output. I don't even understand how you do it 😵‍💫 I really find the blood effects quite interesting. Have you shared how you do it on the wyrd stream?

    Thanks :D you're right, went a bit too heavily with the filters xD

     @Viruk, I'm guessing you used oils to achieve this result on the minis, right ? And for the blood, I'd say blood effect paints such as Coagulated Blood for instance ?

  11. 12 hours ago, djmacbest said:

    Oh nice, this looks quite close to the Burgundy range from Two Thin Coats, actually, great fit.

    Don't own any paints from Duncan's range xD on a WhiteBlue (ProAcryl Ninjon Signature set) zenithal and deep purple nadiral (mix 1/1/1 black primer GSW/Blue ink liquitex/Red ink liquitex), I applied a mix of 1/1 PurpleSwarm/MurderScene Speedpaints 2.0. After this, several steps of highlighting and shadow-lining, with various paints and mixes :) I finished with a glazing of purple and a final step of highlights.

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  12. 15 hours ago, djmacbest said:

    Creepy and very cool gargoyles! These make me reconsider getting Nekima core set despite already having a fully painted Lilith crew, just to try a similar scheme... Do you happen to have an image with brighter lights, to take a closer look at how they appear in daylight? Or would that ruin the magic?

    I do not use filters when posting here, though I do close a lot the aperture of my phone lens when taking these photos.

    Here's the pic with normal aperture, that I posted one on my IG account, because I got asked what stuff I used for the bases^^

    Hope you'll like it too ;)


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