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Posts posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. But more seriously, interesting ideas!

    I think buffing/using zombies more is a good idea, but also even with these changes might still be pretty weak? He still wouldn't feel like he has any real master level AP. Perhaps something where he could do damage based on number of zombies nearby?

  2. 23 minutes ago, Deathinabox said:

    Grave Robber: Add Trigger “:crow:crow: Maniacal Laugh Choose any number of corpse markers within 6:new-Pulse:. Summon a Mindless Zombie in base contact with each chosen marker, then remove the chosen markers.” This is another call back to a cool Nico ability from 2E and lets him flood the board with cheap zombies. Very on brand

    Approval intensifies

  3. I don't like to comment too much on specific players, but I believe David Longtin is basically the sort of player that always prioritizes playing the most busted thing. I don't know of him ever doing well in events except with things that deserve a nerf. So that's not a good argument IMO xD

    Which can be a real asset, as he loves stress-testing things, which can help provide some guidance.

    That said, the original intention was to focus on how to beat Damian with the tools we have, so I'm getting side-tracked.

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  4. Oh, stunned (or slow) seem great because that one AP tax on Damian is actually pretty significant!

    Didn't matter that he could just remove it, still costs an AP which is pretty great. The crew only has a few super valuable AP, so if you can negate that you're in great shape.

    Hard to wound is also very good against the crew, although there's a lot of times when it isn't enough.

  5. I just got a game in against Damian 2 with Yan Lo. It was my opponent's first time with Damian. I lost 4-3.

    I think Yan Lo has some legs. There's lots of tricks to AP tax the crew which goes a long way. I attacked him on multiple flanks. I also went very aggressive so that he didn't have time to supercharge his configuration. I had 2 soulstone gamin dead by first activation of turn 2 (unfortunately couldn't kill both before turn 1 ended). By turn 4 I had him down to two House the Soul models, but that was so late in the game I'm not sure it mattered a ton. More relevant was the AP taxing I could do at tha point.

    I lost, but I chose a bad scheme. If I had chosen a better one I might have tied.

    My opponent made a lot more mistakes than I did, so that's not a good sign... But will keep testing Yan Lo. The superior mobility to pick apart his backline goes a long way, but this isn't a great GG for superior mobility.

  6. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    As you can see  it specifies that the dropped marker generates the pulse, so its not a case of it being generated by wong, and  then changed to another model. ( I think you can be hit by your own shockwave as you aren't generating the pulse)


    So I still don't see that faq as moving the effect of the pulse from 1 model to another, because that's not what it's doing. The new model is excluded from the pulse because according to the shock wave rules it is the object creating the pulse, and according to the pulse rules the object creating the pulse is excluded. 

    That logic doesn't apply in Damiens case, he is still the object creating the pulse even if its range and los is drawn from somewhere else. It's still the case he couldn't draw line if sight through a friendly witness model to attack himself, because he is still the model taking the action and generating the effects.  

    So still not convinced he can clean himself...

    So are you suggesting that if I have an ability that does something like "stagger all models within pulse 2 of the target", then the target gets staggered?

    Typically these sorts of actions either say the target and models within pulse 2, or leave the target out so that it isn't affected.

    EDIT: hidden bombs on mcmourning 2 as an example.

  7. On 8/31/2022 at 10:02 PM, TimH said:

    Out of curioisity do you know if they were predominantly playing Aspirant or Unbound?

    Unbound at the time of the posting, but I think there was another tournament with Damian dominating where I heard complaints about both!

    On 8/31/2022 at 10:02 PM, TimH said:

    Against unbound I imagine you use something mobile or ranged and just snipe the Puzzlebox at your first opportunity... Carrion Emissary in ressers seems a solid pick against him, the aura stops him healing off of his attack or grinding down Lohith for prevention flips and 2/4/5 damage flip should put some work in.

    This is my first plan against him - use superior mobility to try to snipe all the little guys. One issue is apparently his board coverage is WILD since all the members of the crew can draw range from 5+ different places with Damian 2.

    Carrion Emissary I'm pretty sceptical of. He'll die in 3 hits xD And is a model that struggles generally anyway. Dead rider + reaping carrion emissary does some work, but I don't think it could do work fast enough here 😕 Still, maybe worth a go, or the effigy accomplice combo!

    Assuming you can hit past all that card draw xD

    On 9/1/2022 at 12:40 AM, Jinn said:

    Honestly I'd guess bringing a decent amount of Armour (or other reduction) would be quite effective.

    Yeah, my hope is to bring armored, stone using models so that they have reduction against both titles.

    On 9/1/2022 at 12:46 AM, Adran said:

    Stunned is probably a very good consideration,  witness has a lot of power in triggers. 

    Damian 2 can remove it in an aoe (including on himself), but efficient stun should act as a bit of a tax at least.

    On 9/1/2022 at 1:12 AM, SEV said:

    Declaring Dora into arc seems the way to go for purple right now. But I don't have any games against Witness yet. So we'll see I guess 😀

    Yeah, I was thinking Pandora seems good as she's got so much expendable chaff and her luck thief does serious work here. Plus Ancient Pact negates the Inkfingers initiative advantage to a degree.

    On 9/1/2022 at 3:07 AM, Jinn said:

    Models with Infiltrator can discard to cheat using the Config if you declare Damian 1, which is pretty brutal.

    I don't believe this is correct (you use those abilities using YOUR configuration, so the obey-er has no configuration to work with :(

    Hopefully I sort of addressed everyone's points!

    I do think killing all the backliners seems very promising if you can do it, but I'm not sure how many crews can run past the front line without dying... I suspect Yan Lo will probably do pretty okay, but I already kinda feel he's broken so that's not a good sign if he's the main answer for Ressers xD

  8. Right, recently Witness just smashed an event in the World Series, and so naturally questions are being raised about power levels. However, it's not uncommon for a master to smash an unprepared meta. The true test of a master's power level is to what degree a prepared meta can take them on IMO.

    So... What are people thinking can actually counter Witness? What can you reasonably declare into Arcanists that can deal with Witness, and what do you tech or do to defeat the keyword?

    My personal take is that you generally can't determine if a master is broken for probably 3-4 months after release. So in the mean time... Let's tech and figure out what we can try!

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  9. 7 hours ago, SEV said:

    Interesting. Area control is definitely a thing in Malifaux (not sure T2 is the best at it, but your thinking seems sound)... Area Denial not really. It's so easy to counter, a lot of crew don't even care about it and it's hard to setup. I wouldn't bother.

    T2 may still be a control master... And it's probably why she's weak. It's so hard to play control in this game...

    *ears perk up*

    But yeah, I think that marker-based control tends to be pretty weak, at least in the vassal meta.

    The vassal meta has boards that heavily incentivize being able to bypass terrain, and so people will bring crews prepared to bypass terrain even before they see you're declaring Titania.

  10. I used to run starter events where I get a bunch of sign-ups and get 5-10 people to commit to try the game for four weeks.

    There's some old threads on these forums you can search for in Malifaux discussion by me, or I may be able to dig them up later.

    I haven't made an updated one for GG3.

    The starter box situation is such that I'd possibly ignore the existence of starter boxes if you can provide decks and scheme markers yourself. 

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  11. Well, the vassal maps haven’t been updated in a systematic way in a while, so it is time to have a Month of Merry Map-Making. Welcome to the Creativity Festival!

    Here’s how it works:

    • Make sure you’re on the Malifaux Vassal LFG discord server: https://discord.gg/hrGpMHH8BF
    • Read the rules in the Creativity Festival channel.
    • Deadline: September 25th (sunday).
    • We’ll review the maps and approve all that seem appropriate.
    • We’ll also be deleting some old maps to make room.

    Tips for making maps:

    • Remember to save the file as an Observer, not a player.
    • When labeling heights, use the individual size of each item (for instance a size 1 rock on a size 2 hill should be marked as height 1).
    • If you need helpful tips or feedbacks, ask in the discussion thread for your map.
    • Follow the Wyrd guidelines for making boards (summarized below)
    • Terrain should follow the World Series terrain definitions (where applicable).
    • If you wish to use a type of terrain that is not defined, you can request that we define it.

    Wyrd Guidelines for Boards:


    Proposing maps for being deleted:
    You may also use the Creativity Festival Submissions channel to suggest that particular maps be deleted. Just list the map and a brief (2-3 sentence) explanation of why the map should be retired.

    • Like 1
  12. 40 minutes ago, Arko said:


    @Maniacal_cackle : That is a shame about Graves, as my friend really like the model...Why is he not liked exactly? He is tanky and hit hard. Too expensive for what he does?

    Too expensive for what he does, and I think people don't like that the black blood hurts the rest of the crew.

    40 minutes ago, Arko said:

    Ideally, this is what he would want to play VISUALLY :

    Lynch 1 or 2

    Hungering Darkness





    Illuminated with silent protector




    I'm no expert, and most people hate Gwyneth, but I think she's awesome so I'd swap Graves for Gwyneth and then give it a go.

    But honestly I recommend playing every model that you buy. Every model that I manage to assemble and paint sees table time, because I like to fully test out models and not just listen to internet advice.

    Malifaux is really a game of discovery, and you can discover a lot of cool tricks that people miss.

    • Like 2
  13. 9 minutes ago, Arko said:

    @Adran : What you say about getting one list and do everything with it is really interesting for my friend, as he will stick with Lynch 1 and 2 only in tournaments.

    @Maniacal_cackle : That is a shame about Graves, as my friend really like the model...


    Ideally, this is what he would want to play VISUALLY :

    Lynch 1 or 2

    Hungering Darkness





    Illuminated with silent protector



    Now, if Graves is not mandatory, he would replace him with another illuminated, or a kunoichi, or a dawn serpent like @regleant suggested.

    Is it a well rounded list for both Lynches?


    If not, what kind of well rounded list would you suggest for Lynch 1 and 2, so my friends can stick with them (he is open to some versatiles and OOKS if he has too, but would really prefer staying in his keyword as much as he can)



    My suggestion would be to get the core of what you want and start playing some games.

    I bought two boxes to start, and played that for about six months getting the hang of everything.

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