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Everything posted by PesuMajava

  1. Where I live, we have aprox. 10 active players. Had an opportunity to play beta a lot (30-40 ish games behind) and fell in love with Guild's strong henchman pool. Even tho I get counterplayed a lot and mostly play 6-2 games, armor is pain on opponent, dont have healing prevention and stealth is a big slower for Guild. Still my loved henchmans are often doing amazing job. Im newbie, not a good tactic and dont always see when to pick which hench. Help me, fellow Guilders. Help me to smack down those peasant factions. Owning every master expect Hoffman, so Henchman pool is enormous. Fransisco is potential hitter. With suits for onsulaught, he hits like a storm and stays in melee gladly with Finesse. Flurry is flurry. Agent 46 alone is quite meh, but having Lucius Leader Agent46 is autoinclude. Analyze weakness, jumping to little guys and cutting them down. No prisoners would be nice against hordes, if mimicin is not needed. Jonathan Reichart, hell I love him. Disguised, good hitter and runner in forest (I understood he is unimpeded because ignores severe). Loving playing him with Family or Witch Hunters. Taggart has found his usefullness in a hands of cruel Dashel, but sometimes he finds comfort hitting fasts to Family. Other than that, Taggart seems guite off. Maybe claim jump potential, corpse eater and cordinated attacker. Phiona seems strong, but dont see the window to put her expect to Reporters. Judge is monster. Even tho I dont like new sculpt, Judge shows so luch potential. Keeping discardpile checked you can count possibilities to draw 3 cards without any dmg to face. She is a killer, cuts people down and if she falls, she has taken many with her. Sometimes even worth 11ss+LLC.
  2. Yes, you right. Queller had that burning 3-thingie. Makes that model far worse. I would love to like Sam, but atm he is not worth his soulstones imo. Rather I go 2 Thralls+LLC's and Handler
  3. I have played 2 games as Lady, but 10ish as Sonnia. Guess who I am suggesting? Sonnia's pool is nice. Even tho Samael is still a bit letdown to my eyes, Handler giving some speed to totem is just 19' burning 1 threat. And totem is living bomb to engage and annoy in Turf, where you need to interact in turn 1-2. Thralls with LLC are a meatwagon too. Queller has 1 good ability, Witchfire. Having withling in combat gives good rockbottom to Sonnia's summonings, but over all Queller is only cheap booster to Sanctioned Spellcaster (which I autoinclude to turf because fast turn 1 is just maaaaad). Maybe i just dont see Quellers potentiality. Marshals are amazing, but mostly for Judge and Lady herself. Judge is one of the few reasons which keeps other factions alerted, along with J. Reichart; 3 cards in 1 activation, sweet damage and over all strong performance. Would run him almost any crew for 11ss. Not maybe best, but never a bad pick. Death marshals are interesting and suprisingly strong, if you have Recruiter and Cadavere, you have some Hating for the dead and many guys in boxes. But Marshals are pretty dull; they go in, they hit hard and if opponent hits harder, they die. H2W for almost every model is sick tho. I personally did not find happines from running to face and hitting 'em down. Sonnia gives you funny mob pool, or more henchier huntdown party with Palerider/Reichart (sonnia can shoot to Reicharts bring it-trigger, 1 more reason to run Reichart in Family crew).
  4. Played roughly 10 games as Dashel Dashel+LLC Totem Taggart Queeg Rifleman(s)/Mounted guard/Executioner(s) Lucius as 2nd Without mask in opening hand turn 1 for Dashel is downish; of course executioners w/fast are terrifying minions in wedge, and rifleman with expert shot shoots everything. Sometimes i run Lucius as second to order some extra shots or 5actions potentiality to Exe (trail of gore is neat). If Totem goes down turn 1-2, you have a bad time tho. Dashel's power is enormous pool. You have model to summon for every situation. With 13Ram you can summon Warden and Patrol to defend that Warden. Ofc slow is slow, but we got Taggart hitting 1-2 dmg and Dashel shouting 0-action focuses to become fast. Worst case scenario is that opponent obeys your own models to smack totem (Zoraida is pain, TT with Trained ninja((stealth, From the Shadows to Samurai who has severe 6+free focus)) etc etc.) I would run 1 patrol in crew to secure totem from early sniping. I run mostly 6 stones to have that ram in turn 1 reinforcements, and i often call out few Patrols to take a hits->they die and become corpses->more stones. 1 game i started with 6ss and in 5 turns used like 14 (Dashel, Lucius and Taggart in crew). You give em some passes, but if opponents uses them, Lucius gives you a card.
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