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Posts posted by Hawkoon

  1. Here's an example of using Vasilisa in the grow engine.

    Grow strong (Neverborn)
    Size: 50 - Pool: 5
      Nekima, Broodmother (Nek)
      Blood Hunter (Pig)
      Terror Tot (tot1)
      Terror Tot 2 (tot2)
      Black Blood Shaman (S1)
        Ancient Pact
      Black Blood Shaman 2 (S2)
        Ancient Pact
      Vasilisa (V)
      Noxious Nephilim (NN)
      Terror Tot 3 (tot3)

    Ideal activation order

    Turn 1:

    • Pig makes corpse near NN
    • S1 charge NN-gives tot1 token-makes 2 corpses.
    • S2 charge NN-gives tot2 token-makes 2 corpses
    • V puts out a scheme-use scheme to make tot1 take grim feast and turn into young(Y1)
    • Nek gives token to tot2 to grow it into a young(Y2)- makes 2 corpses and summons tot4
    • Y1 use grim feast to gain a token
    • Y2 use grim feast to gain a token
    • Tot3 and tot4 use grim feast to gain token.
    • NN makes corpse

    Turn 2:

    • Pig makes corpse near NN
    • S1 charge NN-gives tot3 token to turn into young(Y3)-makes 2 corpses
    • S2 charge NN-gives tot4 token to turn into young(Y4)-makes 2 corpses
    • Y1 use grim feast to turn into mature(M1)
    • Y2 use grim feast to turn into mature(M2)
    • V puts out scheme-use scheme to make Y3 gain token from grim feast
    • Y3 use grim feast to turn into cavern(C3)
    • Nek gives token to Y4-makes 2 corpses and summons tot5
    • Y4 use grim feast to turn into cavern (C4)

    If everything goes smoothly (which is quite uncertain it will I may add!), you now got 4 sz3 minions in play

    Edit: Math didn't check out, so had to change up the order.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 2/17/2023 at 4:25 PM, RayIch said:

    English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse me for any mistakes I might make.

    The models with Relish in Blood can choose not to grow after getting the Token, so we can stack 2 tokens on a terror tot, and then get Ancient Ritual again in turn 2. With 3 Tot, 2 Shaman and enough corpses(provided by Black Blood Shaman or Noxious or Hayreddin). Nekima2 can grow 3 Sz 3 Nephilims in turn 2.

    Turn 1 with 7 tokens (6 corpses needed):

    4 Grim Feast(including 1 tot summoned this turn)

    2 Ancient Ritual

    1 Only the Strong Survie (with Vicious Vitality)

    Two tots should hold the tokens for turn 2.

    Ideally we should have a Young Nephilim(we need one tot to grow because of the model limt of Terror Tot) with 0 token. 2 tots with 2 tokens and 1 tot with 1 token.

    I've practiced this opening for several times, it is not hard, but it really needs some practice. Remember to use Bloody Banner if able.

    Plan carefully for each activation, the sequence is not fixed. Sometimes we need Hayreddin to use stones and sometimes 2 Black Blood Shaman can drop 4 corpses.

    And be careful with the 4HP Young Nephilim, without Protected, it is just one shot away from death.

    Turn 2 with 8 tokens (7 corpses needed, ideally)

    The Young Nephilim with 0 token can get 2 tokens by Grim Feast and Only the Strong Survie (with Vicious Vitality).

    2 tots with 2 tokens can get 2 tokens for each by Ancient Ritual (remember to grow after the Ancient Ritual) and Grim Feast. Pay attention to the activations, because the Ancient Ritual need to be applied before the Grim Feast.

    1 tots with 1 token can get 1 token by Grim Feast.

    1 tot summoned this turn can get 1 token by Grim Feast.

    The first 7HP Mature will be killed in late turn 2 in most cases, so we can grow the second and the third one to maintain the pressure.

    Or we can grow a Cavern if we were lucky.

    I've played this list about 3-4 times. The turn 2 requires a lot of improvisation without disrupting the buff chain.

    What do you think of this idea?

    If you really want to play the grow-game, you probably should bring Vasilisa to get that 2'nd grim feast on a young nephilim. (She also has "move along" that bumps mv up to 7. With df/wp 6, armour +2, and one of the best self heals in the game, she brings tankyness to a very squishy crew.)

  3. Oh! What? February you say? Is January over already?

    No, seriously, sorry for the delay. My house is a mess and currently a lot to do at work. I blame all the gremlins from last months challenge! There were sooo many... (But very well painted, I must say👏)

    But, that doesn't mean I don't have time for painting, right? And what a great time for painting it is! Almost magical, you could say! 

    Check out Wyrd's competition:


    I'll need to come up with something clever this time, and I got some ideas, but not quite sure if I'll be able to actually see it through with my house in it's current state. Anyone else planning to participate?

    And that brings me to this months topic: Competitions. Do you participate? Why/why not? What makes a good/bad competition?

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, TimH said:

    I'm back and pledging tyrant again. This year I'm looking forward to the Kastore crew, some new stuff for tOS and hopefully picking up alt Barbaros and SIlent Knight during a wyrd sale event (they keep selling out before I manage to get my order in). I'm also 'looking forward' to carefully trying to meet my pledge while also trying to paint up other models at the same time. This month I've got some Blood Bowl to start work on and sometime this year I'll be getting my hands on some more KDM.

    With the fact that I will be juggling other projects with the painting challenge in mind I have already made my pledge total for the month with the remaining 2 False Witnesses, my 3rd Autumn Knight and Aeslin.


    Then on top of that I've rebased my previously painted Fae with autumna leaves that I got for christmas.


    Finally while it doesn't count towards my points contribution I have painted up a load of art of war tokens for terrain markers, status tokens, scheme markers etc.

    Looking forward to another productive year of hobbying!

    Those leaves really adds some colour and vibrancy to the crew, binding them together thematically👍

    I'd also love to see the tokens here, even if they aren't actual models😉

    • Thanks 1
  5. @ProrokLebioda Those are damned great! So vibrant colouring and great shading!

    I agree that it's nigh impossible to make the blade appear "living" without altering the sculpt or some serious freehanding, but I don't think it's really that important. If you look at the artwork for Marathine (Kastore's living blade), it doesn't have that "living" look either.

    Hope you'll be joining us for the 2023 challenge as well? I'd really like to see more of your work😉

    • Like 1
  6. Well here we go! A new year with new possibilities🎆

    Kicking it off with January!

    With the long awaited realease of Madness of Malifaux, we are sure to see some intersting new models coming out in the year to come, and most likely some Kimon for The Otherside as well. Which leads me to this month topic: What are you truely looking forward to for 2023? New models? Some old projects, you just haven't gotten to? Or just GETTING IT DONE!

    For me it's all of the above... 😆

    For January I'll be continuing on my nightmare crew. Only Dreamer insomniac, widow weaver, coppelius and Bandersnatch left now. Don't think I'll get them all done by the end of the month, but it's getting close.

    And since I am posting this in 2022, I'll finish this off by wishing you all a happy new year! See you in 2023😉

  7. Hello fellow Wyrdos!

    Keeping the tradition rolling, I (or possibly we?) want to invite you yet again to another year of monthly painting challenges through 2023, starting 1'st of January, 2023.

    As the year before, and the year before that, and the year before that... the idea of the challenge is as follows:

    1. Having fun painting!
    2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
    3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
    4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
    5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

    This is NOT a competition, but a way of collective motivation, encouragement and hopefully building some new friendships along the way.

    Everyone is welcome regardless of skill or capasity!

    To make it an actual challenge (against your own inner demons, timeschedule, lazyness, burn-out or whatever is holding you back), we do have some rules:


    • The challenge starts on January 1st, 2023.
    • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month (or one that has been on your Shelf of Shame since 2013, really).
    • A miniature is considered pledged when you have uploaded a photo (preferably lots of them!) to the Challenge Thread for each month, declared your final SS count for the month, and submitted your SS totals on this FORM.
    • You no longer need to @ the hosts! Just go back to the first post of each month, find the FORM, and submit your totals. Try to wait to submit totals until you are FINISHED for the month! It is best if you submit the form once a month.
    • That said, we all sometimes THINK we’re done and get an extra model in here and there. It’s fine if that happens, it will just make reading your stats a bit harder on the sheet 😊
    • If you’re not sure of the points value (scenery tends to be the most challenging one), then your estimate is all we need. If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for us!


    The pledge categories are the following:

    • Tyrant: you paint at least 21 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Master: you paint at least 16 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Henchman: you paint at least 11 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Minion: you paint at least 1 Soulstone worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Totem: you have maintained an average of a contribution per month



    • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but
    • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
    • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
    • Proxies count for their proxy value.
    • Large iconic models counts for 25 soulstones

    The Other Side

    • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
    • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
    • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.

    Other Wyrd miniatures:

    • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
    • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
    • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.
    • Markers count for 2 soulstones if they're flat, or 5 soulstones if they're 3D and fancy.


    • Scatter Piece (5SS): A modest piece of terrain, or a small number of scattered terrain pieces. These are the spray-can and dry-brush pieces.
    • Focus Piece (10SS): A terrain piece that represents a focal point of pride in a terrain board. These pieces require a decent amount of construction and painting.
    • Centre Piece (20SS): A terrain piece that is a significant centrepiece to the terrain. A handmade forest, a mausoleum, or a train engine.
    • Masterpiece (50SS): A gorgeous, unique terrain piece that makes people wonder if you get out much.
    • War and Peace (100SS): A complete, themed 3’x3’ terrain board.


    Life gets busy. We get that. We’d all like to think the Challenge rewards those who keep their brushes damp. If you don’t meet your pledge, the process goes:

    1. Mulligan; then
    2. Buy Back; then
    3. You’re outta there!

    The first time that you do not make your pledge for the month, then you have used your mulligan for the year.

    The second time that you do not make your pledge for the month, will need to make it up the following month, by meeting the pledge for the current month, and the month you missed. If you do that, then you’re considered to have met the pledge for the missed month.

    The third time that you do not make your pledge for the month, then you are out of the Challenge, but you are always, always welcome to give feedback and support to your fellow painters!

    If you submit miniature(s), but don’t meet your pledge, then you will be moved to a pledge level that keeps you in the Challenge


    Where do I actually pledge?

    On this PLEDGE FORM.

    The link to the pledge sheet will be in the post that follows.

    You should also introduce yourself, tell everyone your pledge level, and perhaps your painting plans for the year in this thread. Follow it as well! 


    What happens if I start in February or March?

    If you join in February or March, you still need to fill out the PLEDGE FORM, but introduce yourself in the month you start.

    You could use your mulligan / buy-back and still be in the Challenge.


    What happens if I start after March?

    If you later in the year, then you should introduce yourself in the thread for the month in which you start, and fill out the PLEDGE FORM.

    In this circumstance, you won’t be considered to have met the 2023 Challenge, BUT you can have considered yourself as having maintained a number of month’s worth of a pledge level, so you can launch into 2024 with some momentum!


    What is a painted miniature?

    A model is considered painted if it is:

    • Based (even glued onto a black base counts); and
    • Tournament legal.

    That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.


    Can I do it all in one go?

    No. While it would be fantastic for you to paint 252 miniatures in January, and then declare yourself as complete for the year, the intent is for you to paint, relax, and enjoy. It’s a long-distance event, not a sprint.


    Can I show you my non-Wyrd miniatures?

    Sure, every miniature is welcome! They don’t have a Soulstone value for completing the Challenge, but we are a richer community for seeing how your painting passions have inspired you!


    Where are the points values available for me to see?

    The spreadsheet for the monthly totals is HERE and will be posted in the link that follows as well.


    I guess that's it from me, but I'd like to thank @Shock & Awe and @Gheist for their contribution to the cause so far, and I'm honoured to follow in their footsteps as the host for this years challenge.

    I hope to see many new and old friends joining in on this years challenge when we kick it up in January!

    (Oh... and don't stop painitng just because it's still 2022!)

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 12/1/2022 at 12:07 PM, Fjord said:

    Dang that feels like a very long time right now. Do you recieve a pdf copy immediately if you order the book or will you have to wait for that one ?

    If you have proof of purchase, you can submit it now here: https://www.wyrd-games.net/promotions

    When you'll be able to download the digital copy is the big question. I really hope I don't have to wait until it physically turns up here in the outskirts of civilisation, also known as Norway🥶

  9. Misery can be quite complicated so simplifying how it works isn't always that easy.

    What I get from the OP is a confusion around the "once per activation" clause. To keep it simple, this means once per ANY models activation, not just the model with the rule, and you resolve it immediately (no need to que effects up until the model with the misery rule activates).

    • Like 1
  10. Had a small tournament with just 4 people last saturday, and all my games ended after turn 3.  2 of those games was due to my opponent conceding though, but I doubt any of them would go beyond turn 4.

    Oddly enough I played Pandora as well for all 3 games. (my only completely painted kw)

    For the record the games were as follows:

    1. Pandora 2 vs Von Schill 1 - Close game, but managed to win by 1 VP after turn 3 (4-3). I'm not sure I would have won that one if we'd have more time.

    2. Pandora 2 vs Damien 1 - Killed off a few of my opponents models early on and locked up the rest with Candy and summons. My opponent conceded in t3. 4-1 win.

    3. Pandora 1 (yes! 1!) vs Yan Lo 2 (green) - Got lucky on this one with some severe damageflips on self loathing against komainu and blasting out a lot of damage. By the end of t3 my opponent didn't have many models left to score anything, so he conceded. We didn't even bother counting up the VP because I had already won all 3 games.

    I really like Pandora (both of them) and will probably play her more often now that I've got her gang all painted up :D

    • Like 2
  11. I feel I get value out of the pig nearly every game.

    If my opponent goes after it, that's actions not spent against my other models, and I get a corpse and maybe som black blood damage on the opponents crew. If he doesn't go after it, I usually get at least one attack with focus on a relevant model before my opponent realises the error and kills it (and splashes black blood on everyone, and leaves a corpse or two).

    It's not a Chompy level totem, and it's not supposed to be, but it is far from a bad model.

  12. As if one competition wasn't enough, I'm determined to enter another competition ( http://www.shatteredbrush.com) with deadline nov. 30'th. This is not a secret competition, so I can safely say I'll be painting Titania, the Autumn Queen this month.



    Black friday:

    Living in the faraway kingdom of Norway, ordering from Wyrd's webshop is usually not the best way to make great deals due to shipping and customs. However, as some limited models are only availiable this way, we sometimes get some locals together to place one big order. This year there are some stuff I would really like to get. That includes fishy-nephilim, dragon-Iggy, and non-robotic-riotbreakers.

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