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Posts posted by Hawkoon

  1. As far as keyword overlaps go, I'd say Dreamer too, but if you're looking to make the most out of Hinamatsu and Hooded rider I'd say you should look into Zoraida and her swampfiends. Like Pandora she plays a bit of a control game, but quite differently and should scratch your itch when it comes to changing your playstyle and adapting to pools. She's really versatile when it comes to hiring, but you'll want some swampfiends in her crew to make the most of all her tricks. (The title version more that the OG.) She's also dual faction with Bayou so there's that as well. When it comes to purchases you'll probably get by well with her core box and silurids. (though her title box contains Kurgan, which is a real utility outside swampfiends as well. I frequently use it with Titania)

    • Agree 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, TimH said:

    So my first model of the month isn't Malifaux. Instead it's this guy, the Crimson Crocodile... who despite his name is meant to be pale and fleshy.


    Haven't decided what Faux models to paint up this month, maybe some Swampfiends? I've got an alt Zoraida and Kurgan sitting basecoated as well as a converted Stmupy and some Gators. Not sure how many points I'll be doing this month though with the boardgame components to paint up.

    That's a quite disturbing model... Are those fingers down his neck?

    Anyway, you're more than welcome to join me in the swamps😉 Love the rotten harvest alternatives 😍

  3. Hello again. I'm late as usual, and running out of excuses for being so. Anyway...

    Summer is over, days are getting darker and colder, perfect excuse for spending more time inside painting more miniatures!

    As I gave a sneak preview of at the end of last month, my local gaming club started up an escalation league, so I'll be painting up more swampfiends the coming month. Next up is Zoraida herself with her totem (or toadem, in my case).

    So for this months question; what's going on in your communities this fall? And what will you be painting?

    • Like 2
  4. And as promised here are photos of Kurgan and Bedeviled kettle (Bad Juju).




    Edit: I belive I also promised a report on their performance on the table.

    As we were only playing henchman +10SS the games were rather fast, so i managed to put up 2 games in one evening. First game against Monteressor and a hanged was quite brutal, but I managed to squeeze out a 3-2 win even with both my models dead at the end of the game.

    The second game was against Manos and a komainu. I managed to kill the komainu and keep Manos away from scoring ending 3-0 for the swampfiends.

    • Like 7
  5. As a sudden turn of events, my gaming group decided to hold an escalation league starting this week😱

    I had to put Nekima aside and get to work on a new keyword. So awakening the gremlin inside, I turned to swampfiends. I did finish up Bad Juju and the Kurgan in just 2 days (putting in the final touches late yesterday), but haven't gotten around to taking any decent photos yet.

    First game is today, so I'll take some photos when I get back😁

    • Agree 1
  6. On 8/21/2023 at 4:50 PM, ImSteve said:

    Hi anyone, i'm really new here, and after a few initial attempts I choosed to go with Nekima. I have bought the 3ed core box and the box with Hayreddin and the 2 bbs. Do I need something other? Can u please explain me how to use this crew for the best? And maybe give me some lists to play with?
    Is this a good master for a beginner?
    Thank you :)

    It's a good start, but you will eventually want some some terror tots to make the most out of the grow mechanic. Then there is the new cross-over models with returned that gives you an excellent alernative to mature nephilim when growing your young nephilim. (the henchman in that box is no slouch either...)

    It's also worth mentioning that corrupted hounds got a much needed buff recently and are cheap schemers that can bring in more friends. Lastly Nekima has 2 versions, and they're both quite good. I recommend strating with the core box version, but you really should get the title version eventually as playing the core version over and over again can get a little stale.

  7. On 8/17/2023 at 1:16 AM, djmacbest said:

    That skintone and hair is just gorgeous... But seeing this just now: Did you give her a different sword than the original sculpt?

    Yes, I did swap the sword with a bigger one. I think the original one has bad proportions and comes off as quite dull compared to the rest of the model. The sword I wanted was a bit too long for a reasonable stance on the base, so I adjusted the angle of her hooves to fit with a flying charge. It's hard to explain in words, so I'll just continue when I get her finished and can show with a photo.

    Love the rainbow transition effect on your wretches. Genious idea and excellent execution🤩 (wish I hadn't already painted mine....)

  8. @MestreGuilderius Quite interesting take on the nephilim colouring. Looks very good. Some of the images are possibly a little too dark to pick out the nuances I know is there (thanks to insta 😉 ). Good work on both quality and quantity 👏

    @djmacbest Love the scion😍

    @daemonkin Looking forwards to seeing Barbie finished. Really striking colourchoises, that I wouldn't think of myself, but looks really good😂

    @Viruk You're a beast as usual when it comes too sheer quality output. I don't even understand how you do it 😵‍💫 I really find the blood effects quite interesting. Have you shared how you do it on the wyrd stream?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  9. Greetings everyone!

    Wish I could say I'm busy at GenCon, but alas, I'm still in Norway and back at the office after a much needed (yet too short) vacation.

    Summer is waning, and it's time to get back to painting!

    I still have quite a few nephilim that are in desperate need of paint, so I'll be focusing on chipping awway at that those for another month or two, then I'll have a sliding transition to my recently acquired new crew... The Returned! Feels like I've been waiting forever for their release and now I finally have them!

    What will you guys be painting this month?

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, djmacbest said:

    @Hawkoon - Alright, thanks! This means I used my mulligan in May, another one in June and because I painted 24 SS in July and only pledged for Henchman (11), I can use the July score to buy back that one mulligan, correct? Also: Not that it matters, as I only started in March anyway. :D 

    Anyway, thank you - back to my brushes!

    Tehcnically you would be out, but I think we should allow it seeing as you painted double in July. But you'll have to stay in the race the rest of the challenge ;)

    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, TimH said:

    I've managed to get a lot of painting done this month but mostly for 40k with the tyranids. I have however managed to make some good inroads into the Returned keyword and will be looking to finish them up next month.


    I'm especially pleased with how Marathine came out.

    While I'm still chipping away at my nephilim, I did get my returned crew (excluding the urnbearer box) yesterday! So looking forward to painting and playing these guys! I like how colourful you have made yours, but I'll probably go down a different route with mine (not quite sure yet).


    I'm halfway done with my models this month, but been batchpainting, so taking some time 😉

    • Thanks 1
  12. Sorry for the late post. Got got work up to my ears at the office before I get to go on vacation😱⚠️

    But here we are, July well on it's way and past the halfway mark for this years challenge.

    What will you guys be painting this month? Or will you do like most of us norwegians and take the month off from work and go on vacation? (I do hope I have time for both😬)

  13. On 6/30/2023 at 5:58 PM, Merideth said:

    Whew... okay flying in here at the last minute. Just signed a pledge, for very little, I kinda figure it doesn't really matter this late in the game and I'm still trying to figure out this whole soulstone/points system. But figure I have a few months to get into a groove and then I'll be all ready to rock 2024. 

    I finally decided to try out some OSL techniques recently. Had some issues, yelled at the air brush a few times, might have tossed a mini across the desk in a fit of frustration, had to repaint a few things as they came out a sheet of flaming yellow instead of just looking like a light bathing of light had touched them... lol but it's all part of the learning process. 

    Didn't get around to 'good' photos of these yet, but here took a few decent ones on my desk at least... like I said, gotta get into a flow :)

    I managed to get these two done, though. And got another started that I will hopefully finish up for July. You all have some amazing things that you have done this past month!! Thanks for sharing all of your work too! 

    Demonborn flame.jpg

    Gypsy Side1.jpg

    Gypsy Back.jpg

    Gypsy Front.jpg

    There really isn't that much to figure out. The purpose of this challenge is basicly just to get people to paint their stuff, and apparently people tend to do just that more often when there is a set of rules you have to follow.

    Whether you've been with us for a while or completely new doesn't really matter. Get your painting game on, and show it off😁

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. On 6/30/2023 at 1:40 PM, Caedrus said:


    Caedrus, reporting in!

    Well, in the month of June, I finally, finally managed to get some time to actually sit down and enjoy painting. Not gonna lie, I had been in a bit of a funk for a while with my painting.

    So, I decided to have some fun, and mess around with the Lightning Bugs. Instead of a Slop Hauler, I added in a piggy, so my June total makes 22 Soulstones. Yay!

    I went with some heavy-handed OSL on these guys, and, true to form, my photography skills continue to suck, but nonetheless, here they are! Critiques and feedback are, of course, always welcome, and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to actually get more involved in this great community again next month!

    See you in the second half of the year, fellow painters!


    Bug 01.jpg

    Bug 02.jpg

    Bug 03.jpg

    Boar 01.jpg

    You're not alone! I had a decent drive going at the start of the month, but then it just went out. Don't really know why, but I just didn't feel like painting for a while.

    Love the colours and OSL on the bugs❤️

  15. Out of the 4 keywords I'd say Pandora 2 is the most important title, and Dreamer2 a good second.

    Serena is the only versatile healer in the entire faction, so she's kind of a must have regardless of keyword.

    I think you got a pretty decent coverage with those 4 masters and don't really "need" any more to play competitively. 

    I think you can manage without bandersnatch, but when it comes to moving around the board scheming, the spider-duo really works well. Even though I don't always play it, they are a no-brainer in certain pools.

    Hayreddin, aversion and lyssa isn't really a big deal if you don't have. There are other options. However, if you play Pandora 2, you're severely limiting her summon options. Even though i go for summoning sorrows 4 out of 5 times, that one time where you want an aversion to stop your opponent for scoring will feel terrible...

  16. On 6/27/2023 at 10:36 AM, Daniel Scarlata said:

    So ..  the best option Is to shelf them hard 😂😂


    For now at least. You're not the first to point out issues with the half-bloods, so Wyrd will hopefully get around to them again at some point. Sadly the list of models in need of some adjustments is quite long... 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 8 minutes ago, Daniel Scarlata said:

    An interesting way.for angeleye i thought would be with black Blood shamans handing out concentrate, and her picking target from afar.... 

    But aside this i can't think of nothing Better :)

    She's not nephilim and does not have black blood so shaman can't give her focus.

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