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Posts posted by Regelridderen

  1. 21 hours ago, SEV said:

    I don't see how it can be difficult to track wich model use misery in a single activation!  

    Removing once per activation would make opening the box (and other mass condition gain) ridiculous. One of Dora power move is ti open the box when opponent models are surrounded by Woe (getting a misery ping for each failed duel). Now she could do it all by herself...

    It’s annoying because it feels clunky. And it feels clunky, because it was a last-minute-before-printing change, made because they just realized that Iggy had the potential for giving infinite Burning. So rather than fixing the troublesome model, they chose to nerf an entire keyword. Something like the Box Opens is balanced around being a bonus action and only done once per turn - and that you can’t gain Stunned once you have it. I’d much rather see a ‘Dora in synergy with her keyword handing out Stunned, rather than the Self Loathing-slinger she is now. 

    And it’s not as if the Woe are bad, I’d just love to see them more streamlined. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, fire5tone said:

    They are highly unlikely to change a burns model, and tbh that still doesn't sound that bad

    Yea, It’s not that different from an Obey on a friendly model when you look at it, yet the opponent gets to resist it. And You’re very limited in terms of actions to take and the viable models to use, and you need to discard a card - compare that to a Lawyer obeying an Inhuman Mature to charge for 4+ damage.


    What really needs to get touched is THE CARVER the poor guy is the laughing stock of both Nightmares and Woe (just slightly above Lyssa). The poor guy needs something cool or some speed, or, or… just a reason to field him.

    And let’s just dump IGGY and feed him to the Arcanists. He is the only reason Misery got panic-nerfed before release and got the once per activation clause. They nerfed the entire Woe keyword because it made Kaeris too good, while we got stuck with all the bookkeeping for the sake of something we couldn’t even exploit.

    And give DREAMER something in return for the toys they stole - I mean, they literally took plushy toys from a kid, who does that? Let the poor boy have his Lucid Dreaming back at least. I mean, Kirai and the Oni girl, even Dashel does something cool, while Dreamer has to make do with summoning a few measly tar pits that doesn’t really stand out against the likes of an Executioner or a Jorugomo.

    And while we’re at the nightmares, everyones favourite squid face COPELLIUS needs some love. I mean, he’s been loyal to dream boy since forever, give him Henchman status, give him a good bonus action, give him something so I won’t always put him back on the shelf.

    Which brings me to CANDY, she might just be the cutest auto-include in all of neverborn. I don’t see a single crew or game where she wouldn’t make ‘little girl of the match’. She doesn’t need a nerf, but maybe tax her an extra stone for hanging out in other crews - I’d still consider her over Squidface and Carver.

    And then there’s BABY KADE, he and Teddy are just a two-part model, theme-wise and gameplaywise. Dump the clunky versatile-thing on I Got My Teddy, and just give him a straight one-stone discount.

    And take a look at those UPGRADES and give us something worthwhile, so I’d at least consider looking at them. They don’t need to be Ressur-level good, but Arcanist-level would be nice.

    Oh and give TWOCIUS a new model. Lucy is the Queen of style and fashion, he deserves better than being an Assassin’s Creed knock-off. Making a RuPaul homage would be more fitting - and go hand in hand with the rules as Ru really knows how to make an entrance. I’m sure the Widow Weaver would love to spin him a ball gown.

    But other than that I’m good.

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  3. The results are in. The crews were :

    Colette + doves

    Baritone Lola



    2 Spider Swarms w. Diesel Engine

    Schemes : Outflank, Breakthrough


    Ophelia Overloaded + young lacroix

    Francois + coffee



    Raphael + Coffee



    Schemes : Outflank, Let

    How it went down :

    The Performers took the initiative, kicking two cans turn 1. But the sneaky gobbos had set up an ambush on the right flank as Raphael hit Carlos with a tar bomb, and only survived due to eating three stones. Merris joined in on the ambush, but didn’t take into account how fast those spider swarms were, and she got ripped apart. Carlos and the swarm held on through round four killing Rami and a young lacroix, before Raphael put a stop to it. The right flank melee resulted in one point to the performers for a kicked can, and ruined both our attempts for outflank.

    Colette took center stage along with the Captain and a spider, and held off Ophelia and Francois, but despite their best attempts, they couldn’t break through to the deployment, instead Colette scored a single can. While Ophelia and Francois scored 2 points for Let them bleed.

    The left flank was fairly calm and left to Lola and Sly and the raider, but as Lola kicked her can by turn 1, she could concentrate on killing - then kicking the can past the 8” Mark.

    So at the end the score was 4 - 2 to the performers. And I doubt any of us will pick Outflank again ;)

  4. The results are in. The crews were :

    Colette + doves

    Baritone Lola



    2 Spider Swarms w. Diesel Engine

    Schemes : Outflank, Breakthrough


    Ophelia Overloaded + young lacroix

    Francois + coffee



    Raphael + Coffee



    Schemes : Outflank, Let

    How it went down :

    The Performers took the initiative, kicking two cans turn 1. But the sneaky gobbos had set up an ambush on the right flank as Raphael hit Carlos with a tar bomb, and only survived due to eating three stones. Merris joined in on the ambush, but didn’t take into account how fast those spider swarms were, and she got ripped apart. Carlos and the swarm held on through round four killing Rami and a young lacroix, before Raphael put a stop to it. The right flank melee resulted in one point to the performers for a kicked can, and ruined both our attempts for outflank.

    Colette took center stage along with the Captain and a spider, and held off Ophelia and Francois, but despite their best attempts, they couldn’t break through to the deployment, instead Colette scored a single can. While Ophelia and Francois scored 2 points for Let them bleed.

    The left flank was fairly calm and left to Lola and Sly and the raider, but as Lola kicked her can by turn 1, she could concentrate on killing - then kicking the can past the 8” Mark.

    So at the end the score was 4 - 2 to the performers. And I doubt any of us will pick Outflank again ;)

    It was my first time running the Diesel Swarms, and boy are they fast. Can’t imagine how Colette was before the Arcanist ‘nerf’. 

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  5. With less than a handful of arcanist games under my belt, I’ve gotten myself involved in a league and I’m to face off vs. Ophelia - who I’ve never faced before. So I was wondering, if some of you master magician and undermining anarchists could give me a few pointers.

    The game is this :

    Break the line // Wedge

    Breakthrough, Catch and Release, Let them bleed, Outflank, Bait and Switch.

    And I’ve announced Colette, aside from her Performers I own the M&SU keyword, Envy, Emissary and Rider - and my LGS will undoubtedly be unable to Stock any new models in time. 

  6. With less than a handful of arcanist games under my belt, I’ve gotten myself involved in a league and I’m to face off vs. Ophelia - who I’ve never faced before. So I was wondering, if some of you creepy swampdwellers could give a few pointers in beating her up.

    The game is this :

    Break the line // Wedge

    Breakthrough, Catch and Release, Let them bleed, Outflank, Bait and Switch.

    And I’ve announced Colette. 

  7. On 9/9/2017 at 6:52 AM, Shock & Awe said:

    The issue I am juggling now is my range of paints vs the new models I want to buy.  I have to budget my money, and it's hard to save on models to buy more paint... but then not have enough to paint.  But I am slowly building up my collection of paints as well and I think that may help with my ability to put that distance in there.  

    Just because there are a lot of pre-mixed nuances for sale doesn’t mean that you have to get a huuuge collection. It’s nice to have some for the colours you use more than others, amd those that are hard to mix, but you only need 5 colours in your collection to create any nuance out there. Indeed having a limited palette and forcing yourself to mix paint is one of the best decisions you can make in order to improve your skills.

    Just take a look at this guy


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  8. Malifaux is a game about movement and positioning. Get your pieces in the right at the right time and you’re golden. Some of the best models in the game are characterised by being able to reposition others, drag opponents out of position, while conserving AP of your own.

    So naturally Staggered is a horrible condition to throw around, but what models do the neverborn have that directly take advantage of hobbling your opponents models.

    We have the Emissary and his Roots from below, Lucy can bring her ‘Investigators and Alan Reids Garrotte, Vasilisa/Puppets have Needle and thread, and there’s the Lyssa? Any more?

  9. On 12/25/2021 at 1:54 PM, Roadhouse said:

    @kaintxuI usually hire 2 with Insomniac, for Dreamer 1 I'll hire one for Ley Lines to carry the ball. Mv6 Incorp with all the OOA movement makes them great ball runners and Scatter means they can also deny opposing points


    Haven’t tried insomniac yet, but I rarely go without two and summon the third as soon as I’m able to. Disembodied Voices put such a huge strain on your opponents offense allowing you to shut any beater (but Archie) down.

  10. In many cases I like the sculpted fx.

    I’d just wish that the models would be produced as so the effects are optional, giving modellers maximum freedom with minimum hassle.

    Worst example is not Wyrd, but Corvus Belli. They made an Android girl with a pet robotiger, a cool model, where the Android girl pets the Tiger on the head - and chose to sculpt the girls hand with the Tigers head.

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  11. 17 hours ago, diki said:

    I also don't think friendly trigger obeys should be counter tech to disengage from enemy models with wicked!

    That's subjective, and you're entitled to your opinion, but...

    Wicked states that you can use your attacks 'normal' effects (including Triggers) instead of reducing the push.

    'Normal'-ly "actions generated by Triggers (and any subsequent actions) cannot declare Triggers.".

    But honestly, if Zoraida needs more than 5 Hinamatsu attacks to deal with a certain model, you're quite likely not getting optimum use out of Zoraidas activation.

  12. Just started painting up some Swampfiends, when a little trickery struck me. 

    Zoraida Obeys an enemy model to disengage one with Wicked. 

    The enemy model will of course relent in a fit of subservient masochism paving the way for easily doing some severe damage. 

    Seems nasty in my book. 

  13. 2 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    No it's not. It's great on Mindless Zombies and Marionettes, models that you can very easily replace and put in a position where it can immediately start making use of pack mentality. It would also be good on models who pull enemies in, like Rotten Belles. But on models that you can't replace and who need to move forward it's not good because the necessity to get up to the enemy to do something means Pack Mentality is inherently limited.

    Yes… the internet is brimming with stories of games won due to Pack Mentality 😏


    @AngelRoguerelying on a Stat4 Lure in order to make the most of 15 points of models is optimistic at best. Of course, there are better (and more expensive) Lures in Neverborn, but if it’s killing power you want, I’d look elsewhere.

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  14. In general Pack Mentality is useless. It comes on weak models that easily die and denying you the opportunity to make use of it.  On a whole having a high stat in Malifaux doesn’t do much beyond allowing you to cheat for success - and there are much juicier recipients for the severes in your hand.


    What’s most important in a scheme runner is a third move, allowing the model to interact/scheme twice in a turn. Giving the Bultungin Nimble would remedy that - or  Chain Gang could be fun to emphasize their pack mentality.

    I wouldn’t rely on any 2/3/4 damage track to accomplish anything aggressive, although baking a mask into their attack for Coordinated Attack would suddenly make them a great force multiplier - and would emulate the pack thing even more.


    Of course these boons would need to be off set somehow e.g. Mv5 or a 1/2/3 damage track etc., but I’d look into what makes a model interesting and thematic rather than balancing it at first.


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