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Posts posted by Kimberly

  1. While running Fire in the Sky one of my Fated fell while trying to escape a burning building and took 20 stacks of burning. In that case it had 2 helpful options of what could happen besides death. She's now a revenant

    But seriously... 20 stacks of burning. 


  2. 4 hours ago, Kai said:

    Hey Wyrdos!  Time for another Monday Preview.  This week we continue taking a look at the Undying box, this time we are taking a look at the Grave Golem!


    The Grave Golem is, essentially, a large chunk of graveyard that has been animated by the Resurrectionists to serve as a heavy enforcer. During battle, a Grave Golem can sink into the earth and reappear a few moments later halfway across the battlefield, provided that there is a corpse for the golem to form around. That something so large could move so quickly often comes as a surprise to the golem's enemies, many of whom end up either battered to death by its massive Tombstone Fists or buried in a landslide of corrupted earth and grasping skeletal arms.


    Underestimating this guy would be a grave mistake.

    (A late pun is better than no pun. Been a busy Monday here at Wyrd!)

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