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Posts posted by Sol_Sorrowsong

  1. 1 hour ago, Jafar said:

    Owww, that hurts :( This topic was to find something opposite to it, because I had very similar thoughts. Maybe there is undiscovered combo with Emissary worth 10 ss? 

    But to be honest, he is quite good pick in OC compared to other masters. Especially when we want something that's fast and can drop pianos (or disrupt in general) 

    Emissary can give regen +1 to Zipp, which will make him even less attractive as a target since he'll be able to run off and heal a bit if need be.  The heal and mv aura is a nice bump, but he'll quickly need to walk that donkey up the field to keep up with the rest.

    Don't mind me, is always good to put on a quick model and Companion can be devastating at the right time to remove a pesky model or throwing down a ton of pianos in a row. :D

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Adran said:

    2 -Know your crew

    1 - K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid.) Continuing off Adran's point, the best advice, and I'm still trying to take into consideration, is to know what each model is usually going to do in a turn. Generally, my minions and enforcers have one main purpose 80% of the time. Remembering the cost and reason for doing the thing, and when I want to be doing the thing can save a lot of time looking at cards or thinking of cute moves. KISS and move on. 

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  3. Well, it's been a busy year. Lots of fun, lots of stress. I've not got my master's degree just yet but hours from turning in the thesis and moving into the new year with a lot of stress off my back.

    I think seeing the light at the end of the tunnel put me in a better painting spirit that I hope to retain going forward.

    I can't showcase my other miniature I did for this month just yet but I ended up with 22ss worth painted. @Caedrus

    Here is my December Acolyte in northern lights theme. I was super fortunate to receive these and I must say they have been a blast to paint. The details of these M3E sculpts are amazing! I've had a few set backs with the set due to a certain puppy being more eager to start playing with them than I was, but with patience I have built them all pretty well. This guy was least nibbled.




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  4. What Solkan said.  It just seems like it. It would be nicer for the bayou player if they got to smash things without a price, but RAW you can remove markers but at a price.  Hazardous is going to hurt, Destructable + impassable is going to hurt (suffer 2 damage for impassable -1 for armor per impassable)  So after a particularly successful 12" push, you could have a dead LE.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    What do you mean? If any part of your base is unsupported when you end a move action you instantly fall. The rules quoted are chrystal clear on this. 

    Perhaps its a problem with clarification of what "unsupported" means.  In this case,  unsupported refers to when a model would physically topple and not rest on an area without assistance.  It does NOT refer to parts of a model or base that hang over the edge of an object with height, UNLESS as referenced earlier, that they cannot stand without assistance. 


  6. On 11/16/2019 at 10:24 AM, Regelridderen said:

    What I’d love to get from this discussion is some pointers, on how you’d mitigate the weaknesses of masters/deployment. 

    I think the big issue is not choosing the master until after you see the table.  If you don't win deployment, sometimes you can be set in a really horrible spot.  Obviously it isn't always an option but at tournaments you see the pool, deployment, and table before you declare the master so doing so in a friendly seems fine.  

    If you and your opponent have pre-selected before coming to the table, then discuss some alterations to the table in order to make it more balanced.  In my meta, we often predetermine our crews and everything before we get to the shop so we can start play faster.  Once we're there we build or manipulate the table terrain until we are both happy with it and have discussed each piece and its features.

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  7. Enjoying hearing more Euripides play.  I've been away from the tables for awhile and this is helping me feel up to speed. I agree with the points you are making in the crew. I think the big one for me and possibly other Euripides players is using Gigants to shove other friendly models through a pillar.  I didn't think about that for a long time.  Thoon is also in a wacky place. Very fast and a great pillar trigger, but otherwise meh for points.  Thank you for the deck shuffling pointer. I also noticed this because quick shuffles don't always break up hot spots and Old ways does gather them more together than normal play.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Ya, Juju can't really take the beating you think he should be able to handle.  Into a WP crew like pandora or dreamer he has a better chance, but Df3 gets him cut to ribbons.  I wish he had terrifying to at least make it be a slight challenge or waste some cards.  Regen +2 (+3) is great, but only if he gets to activate or can survive a turn. With M3E I feel like beater flankers might start being more of a thing, but I'm not sure who will tank for Zoraida otherwise...

  9. Fair enough, I've been in a similar position with her not getting close enough to use the doll.  I still think you'll need to move her up with that list, because you're a low on activations so she and the bokor will need to make sure models are in range to do what they need to do.  You could drop the first mate for a Silurid and give Juju inhuman reflexes if you played this same list as neverborn. You'd be at 7ss and only need to use them for two models instead of three while still having a good schemer and a better Juju.  It is hard to give up the first mate though.  Another option would be to take the spawn mother instead of the first mate. That would give you some summoning if you needed more scheming since your gators are supposed to be snacking on enemies over placing markers or holding areas.  Get some gupps to push an idol or run for breakthrough.  Additionally, eggs are a nice bonus heal if really needed.

  10. @Scoffer I don't know about Francois this edition so can't comment on him.  Gators are good and killy and I would definitely look towards them if I thought my opponent had terrifying or manipulative models on the field. I really enjoy the wisp for adding conditions via doll to enemies, so I might swap a gator for that and gain a stone, or add one of the upgrades to a model. Twelve cups or Ghillie suit would both be fun.

  11. Disclaimer: Not a Pro (Why am I even here?)

    On 11/14/2019 at 3:21 AM, LeperColony said:

    But the model count feels low, and if the War Pig gets focused it'll die and I'll probably be screwed.

    Not if, but when.  It has great damage, but no defenses other than it can heal a bit, so sending it in damaged is better than as a fresh missle. Of course, you get more heals and damage out of it with the obeys but I think you'll find your elite crew will struggle if there is some focused fire and some small annoying cheap models to block charge lanes or engage at more than B2B with the war pig.

  12. I've yet to put her on the table because of the relative superiority of the first mate or the hearty presence of BJJ, but she is more impressive as a model than her M2E self. Stealth is a nice advantage that silurids get now, so she isn't as easy a target as before, and her mother's rage has a better chance of being used with it being able to work in engagement. Plus, it can be used even if you can't end close enough to get the attack action off, just needing to end as close as possible to the enemy model.  Her melee attack is pretty strong with good triggers. Hatching this edition is a little more work than the simple wisp eggs of M2E, but a 4 + 6 ram/ss isn't that hard to get.  Needing both for the trigger can be a bit taxing, so I imagine it will be used only once a game if that. 

    I have plans for a silurid swamp list that seems fun into some pools. I think I'd probably wait and pop 2-3 on T2 or T3 (just looked at gupps and saw mindless, so they can't activate on summon), using my AP for movement and positioning of eggs on T1 and T2.  That way I don't give up a bunch of pass tokens when my gupps aren't doing much but fodder. Suddenly getting 3 more models down could be a big swing from looking like a brawling threat, to suddenly having schemers to leap about.  8wds and only stealth or soulstones to defend is pretty rough so she definitely needs to think hard about charging in and how much good it will do her.  This is my biggest concern really.  She hits pretty nicely but if she doesn't get her gupps to be useful (I guess that is why the demise trigger) then she's a bit of a risk for 8ss.

    One last thing that will definitely need board testing to determine is egg destruction for heals.  Its 1 action for +2 health, but an action is pretty important and you need to be within 1" of the marker.  I kinda wish friendlies could just walk over them and choose if they want to eat them on the way but perhaps that +2 and loss of the egg is good enough. Time will tell.

  13. 2 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    How many models do you find you need for that coverage?

    Its mainly for LOS issues.  Her reach is impressive already and is insane with max range on a swampfiend.  However, on my boards at least, there is maybe one or two small slivers that would allow for a 24" ranged obey.  So having more swampfiends on the other side of forests or buildings helps give vision to targets that zoraida would have to actually move in order to see. Those creaky knees ya know.

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  14. 53 minutes ago, FrostHunter said:

    About what nerf are you speaking?

    GG Zero: Can no longer obey model to drop explosive marker on their side of table; If obeying model to take push a corrupted idol, Zoraida takes the damage.


    3 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Do people just take her alongside a bunch of beaters?

    Yes, it is really good to have a couple of beaters at your disposal. However, I think an all beater list like you suggest will get tied up in chaff/terrain and unable to scheme properly. Usually I prefer to give her more soulstones to work with since she really wants to get that ensorcel trigger and sometimes the cards are not in favor.

    I like her with a couple of my own, but then more swampfiends so I can pester my opponents models more than super charge my own.  I find that her strength is the fact that my opponent has to look at all of his models as potential threats as well as my models.

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  15. Because of the awesomeness that is the first mate I often find myself leaving bad juju behind unless I need a tar pit or I'm playing in severe terrain maps.

    Since Zs keyword splits the factions its hard to think of it as neverborn or bayou since I usually choose from both.  Where it really matters is the upgrades and ook models. Here, in bayou I like ten cups of coffee to get a swamp minion easy into position for Z to node from or to scheme easy. Great on silurids.  I loved two gremlins for bayou gators because a gator with a gun was hilarious to me.  

    Duel master, you can get zipp for more annoyance and piano mayhem

    Ook, I don't use many but iron skeeters give concealment and can carry smaller models

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