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Posts posted by bedjy

  1. Again a great event ! The tournament, the venue, the organisation, everything was perfect !

    But, I'm not sure I would come again from france if I was given the choice... Administrative stuff to change country, all the british airlines bugs, the specific app they created that doesn't work, all the paper to fill. And the going back to Geneva airport which is in Switzerland, which has changed policy on the 27th ! We were kinda close to be quarantined 10days !

    I hope next year will be easier so that I'll come again.

    AND THEN ! The question : 
    What masters were you playing guys ? Has there been a lot of titles ? Someone knows what Reice played ?

    I've played Misaki V1 3 times and 2 times title McCabe

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Metalhed said:

    Which is also how the app does it. And pretty sure that was done in discussion with Wyrd. 

    App can do both and some say that the moment the title is revealed could be on the same level as the second master, TO's choice.

    Will be interesting to participate in different events, with different format. Will probably be in gg3 (i hope !) :)

  3. 9 hours ago, Clousseau said:

    Known attendees. Please let me know if you also wish to attend so I manage this aspect of the weekend.

    1 David Brown
    2 Oz Goff
    3 Bert Diamond
    4 Steve Finch
    5 Frankie Grillo
    6 Radek Bry
    7 Tom Kapel
    8 Yan Pietrzak 
    9 Jamie Varney
    10 Matt Lewin
    11 +1
    12 +1

    If there is still some room left :)
    Jean-Baptiste Aymes
    Lionel Masson

  4. Hi all, next month will take place in Bourgoin Jallieu (close to Lyon), in France the first tournament of the French Open series !

    It will be a 5 rounds, 2 days long tournament and everybody is welcome !!

    November, the 20/21

    I'll have the info written in french. If you don't speak french but you are interested by the event, send me a message ! You'll be very welcome :)

    Bonjour à tous !
    Les 20 et 21 novembre prochains aura lieu à HOBBY SHOP Bourgoin Jallieu un tournoi de Malifaux, sur 2 jours 🙂
    Vous retrouverez l'événement en suivant ce lien : 

    Il s'agit du premier opus du circuit "Open" que l'on met en place cette année. Il ne s'agit pas d'être le plus compétitif possible, mais de fédérer la communauté de Malifaux et de donner une petite motivation supplémentaire pour la faire voyager un peu partout !
    Jusque-là, j'ai toujours été épaté par la qualité de l'ambiance des événements qui ont eu lieu. Que vous soyez débutant ou plus expérimentés, venez nombreux !
    Inscription : https://www.longshanks.org/events/detail/?event=4308
    La PAF est de 25€

    Pour ce qui est du règlement et du format :
    Le format se jouera en 50 Pierrâmes, liste libre, pas de second Maître. Si les titres sont disponibles, ils devront être annoncés au moment d’annoncer le Maître choisi. 
    Les versions titrées des Maîtres seront jouables du moment qu’elles seront disponibles dans l’appli au moins 10 jours avant le tournoi et qu’une version imprimée à disposition de l’adversaire. 

    Le tournoi se déroulera sur 2 jours, Samedi et Dimanche 20-21 Novembre 2021. 
    Il y aura 5 rondes de 2h45, incluant 15 minutes de préparation et 2h30 de jeu.
    Ouverture du magasin 9h30

    Samedi 9h45 - 12h30 Ronde 1
    Samedi 13h45 - 16h30 Ronde 2
    Samedi 17h00 - 19h45 Ronde 3
    Dimanche 9h00 - 11h45 Ronde 4
    Dimanche 12h45 - 15h30 Ronde 5

    Vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens vers les Stratégies et Combines. Vous pouvez les ouvrir directement avec votre téléphone ou votre tablette, afin de les récupérer pour le jour du tournoi, ou vous pouvez les consulter sur mon drive, si les

    liens direct de l'appli ne fonctionnent pas : https://docs.google.com/document/d/17g8LWh1y6i3Rja9xEwZk4Twnbg4bwcAadIonomfLCsk/edit?usp=sharing

    Ronde 1

    Ronde 2

    Ronde 3

    Ronde 4

    Ronde 5

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Is there any reason to think that? I don't know of any time that Wyrd has previewed something and it got significant balance tweaks after that. They have over 50 masters to choose from, I'm sure they would want to preview the ones that are basically finalised.

    Not sure about that. They may preview some very interesting concepts that went through the beta but may be "broken" in some ways and let a great many number of people see what could be the problem.

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  6. Lynch is not that easy to play and you'll have a great learning curve. It has a gameplay a bit oppressive for the opponent and one of the coolest theme of Malifaux.

    Jedza I don't know enough, but the hate said above comes from some NPE (negative play experience) she generates because of unresisted actions/damage. She is on the very strong side of the masters and will probably be nerfed in the times to come (some people can't handle nerfs !).

    But otherwise, I think the best way to choose your master is to look at the rest of your faction, see if you got some interest in developping it in a longer terms.

    Good luck !

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