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Everything posted by Boomstick

  1. I'll ge finishing up my Witch Hunters this month, then probably be jumping back to Explorers versatiles.
  2. Looking fantastic everyone! I'm late to the upload party, couldn't unearth my lightbox in the wake of Halloween. But here we are: @Caedrus I finished Sonnia and her Purifying Flame for 17ss total, and made a lot of good progress on the rest of the crew.
  3. Ah, the best month of the year! My local group is having a grow league this month into next so I'm putting my previous plans on hold to finally get into my Guild costume and do some opposition research playing a few games as Sonnia. Meaning I'll need to paint up the Sonnia crew I've had laying around a while. Threw in some Investigatiors and Agent 46 to finish up Lucius' crew, as well as Rollins Black as my Pale Rider. Oh, and finishing up an Effigy that's been half done for far too long.
  4. I noticed this a few changes ago on android and browser versions, haven't made a network game today to see if it's still there, but previously, when naming your master on the network game page, McCabe showed Relic Hunter included in the name (probably a holdover from when he was one of the only models with a title, so it was just part of his name), once you got to actually making your crew a couple steps later both McCabe options were still available, but if Relic Hunter stays in the first step it's going to be confusing for some folks.
  5. Looking great everyone! The freehand (especially those tattoos @Engorn!!!) and colors (Tuco's coat just POPS @Caedrus!) are truly impressive. September's been busy for me as well, and I needed to make a quick change on what I was focused on, so I just finished the Duet and Mikhail (after much consideration about what to do for the sword) for 21ss.
  6. Marching onward with more Seeker and Explorers versatiles this month. Hopefully finishing them up so they don't end up in painting purgatory when the inevitable GenCon goodies draw my eye next month.
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