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Everything posted by crushmurderfist

  1. A few sites do Faction specific marker and token sets both in acrylic and Laser cut MDF.
  2. Hi quick question, i have been playing through the starter set and all is going good understand most things but certain triggers are confusing me and i hope some one can clarify. As an example i am looking at Yin the Penangalan's "entrails" attack action (Ml 6 crow/ Rst:Df/ Rg: 2) Does that mean that i have to flip a Crow in the final duel total to use this attack even if i better my opponents score? In the triggers section below for the same attack i have: Tomes "Cant look away" and Crows "infect" If i want to use the "Cant look away" trigger would i have to make sure i had a crows and a tomes (Either by cheating fate or using a soul stone) in the final duel total? Thanks in advance
  3. Thanks You very muchski's, another reason Wyrd are making me enjoy taking up their game customer service is amaze balls.
  4. Hey has anyone had any issues with getting hold of the schemes and strategies cards and mini-rule book, I've been told that its a manufacture's delay and no eta?
  5. All taken from my phone, quality will improve eventually i just prefer painting to taking pics LOL
  6. More WIP shots of the second Belle. Pretty happy with the dress hat and legs just got to sort the parasol and face out now. the face will be similar to the 1st belle maybe toned down a bit. Thanks for looking.
  7. Just a wee post to track my mini progress as i am not painting hundreds (Damn 40k) at a time.
  8. Something like this, i googled "japanese archers".
  9. So Belle number 2 WIP, I think i have had the light bulb moment regarding smooth highlighting. While not Iron Painter standard yet I think i finally have the method cracked just need to practise. Comments as always encouraged.
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