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Clockwork Top Hat

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Everything posted by Clockwork Top Hat

  1. i think if I get Tara i'll put the sword on her back/at her side and get an extra arm for her to give her
  2. That is a big difference. I think I prefer the poses for nightmare Tara and Karina more.
  3. The Thalarion stone's probably from HP Lovecrafts "Dreamlands" - Thalarion is a city inhabited by strange beings that used to be humans. Sonnia's upgrade Cherufe's Imprint is a reference to the creature from Mapuche mythology - and evil humanoid made of lava. Samael Hopkins is an obvious reference to Samuel Hopkins the witchfinder general The executione is visually reminiscent of Edward Scissorhands The wendigo is a flesh eating monster that was once a human who turned to canabalism because of the cold. The Corryphee is a rank in a traditional ballet troupe The neverborn have 3 masters representing the triple goddess maiden (pandora), mother (Lilith) and crone (Zaroida) The Waldgeist is a german forest spirit Hammelin - the pied piper Jack Daw - jackdaw, the bird Leveticus - the book of Leveticus in the bible And the Hollow Waifs To the earth return (Ecclesiastes 12:7) Ashes and Dust (ashes to ashes, dust to dust) Lazarus - the guy Jesus resurrected in the bible Hans - pretty sure this guy is Vash from Trigun Hans' "Smile you son of a..." - famous line from Jaws Ama No Zako - Amanazako an evil Japanese god Lady Ligeia - Edgar Allen Poe's short story of the same name Shang - named after the Chinese dynasty Kamaitachi - Kami from Japanese mythology Shenglong - Streetfighter Komainu - protectors of Japanese shrine
  4. Welcome to malifaux and the best faction!
  5. I'll have you know my homemade adult erotica is sophisticated and high class (if slightly illegal)
  6. We're making a short film for my Performing Arts course - I was boiling alive today.
  7. This film project is going to be the death of me
  8. Hey there! Good choice of master - Lilith is awesome! If you're playing nephilim Lilu and Lilutu are woth looking at and so is Tuco.
  9. Hey all - finally in from work how's everyone been?
  10. Nicodem might be worth a look, punk zombies are good as well and can benefit from the rotten belles
  11. Seamus is awesome! He can benefit from both McMorning and Molly's boxes.
  12. Hey there - what youtubers have you watched? Personally I love the JoeyBerry's video - her Joeyfaux videos are what got me into the game. Anyways hello!
  13. What's everyone listening too? Currently I'm experiencing music flashbacks
  14. Just an idea for a Guild McMorning: model McMorning so he's holding a syringe/body part behind his back.
  15. I like: Playing Painting when I'm in the mood Rum Cider Modeling
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