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Everything posted by nunorod

  1. nunorod

    New Player

    Is it playable offline via email?
  2. Anyone playing malifaux there? Any store any club?
  3. Just get him out already! Him, the other Drowned and the whole lot of spirits
  4. Well i get you... BEcause i thought that only bull would take a bit out of the colorful Samurai "spirit" but sometimes being a miniature makes it different somehow... And wanted to make some more texture, but i do love the blue with pattern more then the purple Maybe before i paint over it i try to glaze it with blue and see how it goes
  5. Hi Phinn Usually the contrast makes the miniature POP out. The problem here (we think) is the purple that is taking to much attencion and its a 5th color that maybe interfering. I used this for reference: As you can see the green and red work fine. The other colors are the ones taking too much attention. The blue is risky but if you investigate Samurais and their robes and armour, they were really even more rich color wise with lots of patters. Maybe i even have to darken the blue. To let the green and red pop out. I want green because it will make a better connection with my other crew elements which are Ressers and also use green and blueish. I guess i have to keep working on it and see it through and maybe it will work out in the end.
  6. Yep that really crossed my mind. I was also thinking on painting the "flags" on the back the same style to unify the thing a bit more. I realised the photo is not that great. Looked at the mini at home and it doesn't look so "bad". but i think there is something really bothering me. I think i'm going to tone down the red and green. ink a bit of the green plates to make them stand out a bit more and am considering giving the purple the blue fabric style. What do you think?
  7. New update on Izamu. It's still very much work in progress... Do you think i can make it work? How can i tone down a bit of the green and red? What do you think?
  8. HUm :/ what a shame. One of the things i like about Wyrd and Malifaux is to have the digital books, less weight on the shelves at home and available in tablets all the time, so it makes me a bit sad if that's true... wainting 6 months more? No fun Let's hope it's more quick then that
  9. How long do you think for the book to go digital?
  10. I have... bought them both... Yes, Datsue Ba is bound to come by December or January and is a box with hechman and Seishin.
  11. Sorry for resurrecting (pun intended) an old post... Did any tried the scenarios? Are they any fun/adjustable to improvements? Cheers
  12. Also tryed to do something similar in the upper shirt (?) but didn't work out so great, but at least it gave if some depth also i think, but i like how it turned out. Thank you
  13. Hi there! Started working on what I think it's one of Malifaux most beautiful miniatures.
  14. Here it goes. The finished Onryo. I'm not completely happy with these guys. I like the colors because they were inspired in real japanese illustrations but don't look so ghostly. I don't think I nailed the the mask also.. but nonetheless i think they are ok. And here is the whole crew. I think i have to take a better pic eventually. Apart from some details i'll probably work someday like Kirai's scissors, I think for now it's ok. I wanted to start on Izamu Hope you like it
  15. Thank you Yes it's a Resser Crew. I finished the painting! Am still working on the bases. Almost done! I'll take some photos of the Onryo. I'm not 100% satisfied but they are ok. After that is IZAMU!
  16. You know.... there are some dudes that didn't playtest wave 3... D'OH! (slaps forehead...i'm such a noob). We'll but i dreamed a little
  17. Even the name... Crossroad Seven, could be the name of the crew (starter) since a crew usually have 6 to 7 models. A Guild gang!
  18. What if those books are the crews to the 2 player starter!!!!????? Since it's the same book style as the quickstart rulebook....
  19. I hope the all the betrayals are in the Ressers favor...
  20. The picture doesn't show but underneath her feet it's brownish, mud like but the snow effect covered it a bit too much i guess. I'll have to touch up... basing is my weak spot i must admit.
  21. Oh Can't wait to see your Kirai crew! Awesome work!
  22. Here are the tones i'm painting my Onryo. They are very very much in WIP mode pre Matte cote, etc. I got inspiration from Japanese illustrations of Onryo and going for green old tone and whitish tones again. Only the inner sleves are going to be dull orange-ish.
  23. Thank you all for the great comments! @Moetle Of course I won't take it negative! I'm still learning. Unfortunately I don't paint as much as I wanted so there are some obvious details still to learn. The only base close to finish is Kirai's, the others are still incomplete. And i also have to paint the border black. Regarding that base and the dirt. What i was looking for was this: As snow melts or is stepped on it makes the ground muddy (http://bit.ly/1BgX6wu). So as Kirai is stepping the snow it dirties her clothes. She takes great care with her scissors but she is kind of a vagrant so she won't have many changes of clothes... So they get muddy. Maybe the legs should be more dirty I guess. IKiryo is the spirit version of Kirai, so i guess I would keep the same tones in the clothes but more ghostly (whitish green) but since she is a representation of Kirai, i thought maybe I would maintain the looks (dirty). I admit..it's too muddy and i am thinking of glazing it with whitish green again to tone down the mud. I am using the same kind of tones and tints in all the models. The greenish ones, whitish green, etc. The Seishin have that tint on the fur and that's why i painted the LL's hair white with those greenish tints also. His eyes also have green... maybe the photos are to blame also... They won't be perfect, but it's a learning process.
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