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Everything posted by kalisix

  1. I shall be there. I'm just looking at sorting a ticket now
  2. A new season begins, and after Seamus' victory last time he has organised a Mad Hatter's Party for everyone to get involved in. Standard Tournament style event, using a Swiss-system pairing arrangement and a minimum of 3 rounds based on sign ups. Registration is at http://goo.gl/forms/Ve9EBl3y7Z
  3. Ah yeah serves me right for not having the cards to hand. Still I've never tried it so that also explains why I wasn't thinking on it. So far its all ideas in my head rather than actual practice on the table. I still don't like Wanna see a trick as much as I want to. I prefer having those aces in hand to use rather than them disappearing into the draw deck.
  4. 1) As with most upgrades it really depends on opponent, strats and schemes for me. I have tended towards Rising Sun and Woke up with a Hand. I also tend to avoid Wanna see a Trick because you lose the aces (and for some things you want to keep those aces). This is definitely your up front Huggy approach, and it does mean that Lynch has to be up front a little bit in order to take advantage of the respawn. Look at taking Endless Hunger more when there is something like Assassinate in the scheme pool, as it allows you to use Heed My Voice to remove the models that are gunning for Lynch. Murder Protege can be countered by Rising Sun, but only if you don't have any other Henchmen kicking around in your crew. Really the truth is look at the scheme pool etc, and who you are playing against. There are uses for both limited upgrades, and over time its something you can figure out easily... I will say that when you start with him Rising Sun allows you more time to get used to Huggy, but it is sometimes difficult to get the respawn condition. 2) When you activate him is really open to situations. I "tend" to activate him last for the extra cards. I have also activated him first so that Final Debt kicks off twice in short succession (the 2nd time post giving Brilliance to my target with the pistol). 3) No. If he flips or cheats an ace (why????) then it is gone. 4) Terror Tots, get that ace of masks in your hand and watch them run any scheme marker drops you want them to. Infinite successful sprints is hilarious. Beckoners, use them to pull your models forward in the first turn, mess around with opponents models there after. Depleted, tarpits, do what you can to get as many things around them as possible, and then shot them yourself to mass infect people with Brilliance. Doppleganger!! Copy lure, copy tendrils, copy Final Debt!! I'm currently running Hannah as well for similar reasons. 5) He is a lot more general than Pandora certainly. I play Pandora a lot and she is a lot more selective on Strats and Schemes than he is. If it is marker heavy and you take tots he has it covered (with a little bit of card hunting anyway). If its attack heavy than you can pick up models to handle it and Huggy and Lynch can then just center point the attack. He can cover most things with some work. 6/7) As others have said, use Beckoners. I only take one, but the Doppleganger and Hannah can then copy Lure and do the same job (though the aren't as good at it without the trigger the Doppleganger can do it more often so there is a balancing act to work on here). Graves as well (also already mentioned), he isn't specifically weak, he's just picked on a lot. 8) Yes, could be handy. At the moment I don't have them to try out. Not sure how much you need the range, but having so far not played any crew with much of a ranged option in it, its probably lack of experience that limits my advice here.
  5. Registration nominally closes for the UK (Probably should be European all things considered) Vassal League next Monday. Please sign up by either joining the facebook group and then filling in the registration form, or by following the link here http://goo.gl/forms/8XDs7Yw5Lg
  6. Fair point Joel https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PFzhEDjS5OjMV-YqRxHa2Q2SgT-_PIFOnyGIV7lor-4/viewform?usp=send_form The above is the registration document for the league, in place of the Facebook name simply put your forum name. I will adjust the form accordingly in the second Season
  7. I'm starting a UK based Vassal league. The aim is to have a league based in the GMT zone for people such as myself who can't quite commit to games against people in the US due to those pesky job things. The league is open to other players outside of the UK, but I recommend that people who are outside of 2 hours ahead or behind GMT. There is a facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1432794010373120/ There is also a registration form available through the facebook group in order to take part in the first league event. Please join the group and fill out the registration form if you are interested. We have some registrations already, but I would like to have a lot more. Registration closes on Monday the 8th of June
  8. Looks like I will be trying to make this now Matt Hackett
  9. kalisix

    Personal and Twisted Painting stuff

    Mostly my models, but a few I have done for sale as well
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