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Everything posted by Ferossa

  1. Did... you click the link? The link that goes to DriveThru RPG? The link that goes to a webstore affiliated with and sanctioned by Wyrd? Cause like, damn. I'd hate to have screwed up a link that badly.
  2. Not anymore! Thank you to whomever was responsible for that. (ETA: That's the full book pdf, not a pdf for the cards.)
  3. It sounds like you'd get more help from basic colour theory. It's the science behind picking a good colour scheme. The general wisdom for wargaming is to pick three colours: a metal, a leather, and a cloth. First step: Find three that you think go together. They do. Colour theory applies to metals. Do you want cold steel? Burnished copper? Brass blazing like the sun at dawn? Recommendation: The Samurai's armour is the dominant colour on the model. Choose a contrasting metal for the gun. Second step: Choose two colours for your cloth. One is for the cloth under the armour, the other is for the fine details on the armour and leather. The cloth should stand out well against the armour. (Don't have steel armour with grey pants.) Recommendation: The shadows on this model make the cloth parts look really dark. Use a shade lighter than what you would normally use, especially if you're using inks. Third step: Pick a nice brown/tan that doesn't compete in intensity with your metal or your cloth Those are the basics of your models looking good on the tabletop. These are mine if you don't mind the crappy cell phone photos.
  4. You need to print them yourself or buy the arsenal packs.
  5. Brewmaster and Merris Lacroix are coming out pretty soon and will complement your emergent army nicely.
  6. Because independent printers are notoriously reliable and Gencon never has printing errors. If it's too late to include anything now, that means Wyrd got in ahead of the summer rush. The people in charge of printing and assembling the books won't be rushed in the way that makes print accidents happen. After years of experience with independent publishers, I consider the first print run a beta, at best. The more narrow the genre, the more you see printing errors pop up around big events as creators rush to get their work to print. It's a sign of Wyrd's overall business competence. Good for them.
  7. All that means is Book 3 is coming out sooner than I thought. *tents fingers*
  8. That's pretty much what I'm talking about. Something like: In case of a rules dispute: 1) Play it as written/roll a die/rock, paper, scissors. 2) Finish the game. 3) Friendly debate. 4) Check the FAQ 5) Ask the Wyrd forums. What I want to see is an official method for resolving rules disputes that takes sportsmanship into account AND highlights the work Wyrd and the community do to keep the game balanced and fun. Most players don't know about the FAQ. I'm one of about four people in my area (out of the forty to sixty who play) who posts on the forums at all. Players, especially new players, need to know about and feel comfortable accessing these resources.
  9. Could you include this in the Wave 3 book? It makes a good example, and specifically this: It gives a clear understanding of how the rules are meant to be read and played, and it points new players in the appropriate direction when they have a question.
  10. I'm so grateful that Wyrd offers an open playtest. It's an invitation to take a creator's babies and kick dirt all over them and then smack them with a bat a few times, and it CANNOT be a pleasant experience for the people who actually make the game. But it makes the game better and we should thank Wyrd more for taking that beating.
  11. The Breach app is great for this. It lets you save crews, so you can make ones specific to schemes and strategies. I have 2-3 core lists for each master that I play, depending on schemes and strategies. Before I pack up, decide which masters provide the best tactical advantage and which will provide the biggest headache for my opponent. That gives me a strong core that I can augment with a few other models. It's also a good way to look at what you have and decide what you want to play with. You've already spent the energy to make a list, so all you need to do is grab the models and substitute a minion or three and an enforcer.
  12. I want to toss in my 5c from the perspective of someone who spent quite a few years running tournaments at her local game store: This is an exploit that will get a judge called on you. Is a 6" push worth losing 15-20 minutes of a timed game? Ultimately, that's why I'm against obvious exploits. It's unreasonable to expect most of the fans to read all the rules questions on the forums, especially when it's pretty obvious it's grammatical oversight. While some rules interact in strange ways, this is not one of them. As a fandom, we need to consider how the use of exploits affects the playerbase and the meta, not just our individual games. This is the kind of pedantic rules bullshittery that drove people AWAY from tabletop wargaming and made selling it to new players an uphill battle.
  13. I'm in favour of this as official errata. Given Wyrd's minimal errata stance, I'd rather see common-sense errata in the Wave 3 book that corrects or explains some of these issues, instead of the errata updates we get now. The wording on the models is precise enough that it's fairly easy to tell when a word is left out by oversight or formatting. It does a disservice to Wyrd's hard work and the courtesy they show us in allowing an open beta to then take to the forums and pedantically nitpick the three things they missed so you can get a free ability.
  14. Maybe it's my playstyle, but Yan Lo just looks... good? He's a master that demands a layered strategy of controlled aggression, which is fitting for the immortal soul of a kung fu wizard. You can't summon all the ancestors, but you can summon all the ancestors BACK. All ancestors give you a second chance at half wounds, and ANY model with half its wounds on turn 4 is a force to be reckoned with. Ugh. UGH. I am not at all into Resurrectionists, but I love the eastern horror models, and every time I look at Yan Lo he looks BETTER. Curse you Wyrd, what have you wrought?
  15. Write a fic based on an Iron Maiden song! It's a tried and tested writing exercise.
  16. Misaki is dual-faction Outcasts, which gives her access to Taelor, who ruins a summoner's day. Most people don't consider Misaki in Outcasts, which means they won't bring tech specifically to counter her. Yamaziko + Torakage is a strong cohort for anything scheme-heavy. Ototo can tie up large groups of models and hand out Slow to reduce the opponent's AP. Ronin are some of the best scheme runners in the game and Misaki should get to play with them. The strength of Ten Thunders is that they demand the opponent counter the strengths of two factions. If Outcasts won't go to Ten Thunders, bring Ten Thunders to Outcasts.
  17. Grammatically speaking, I read that as only the Ml interaction. Triggers may be in melee by necessity, but as defined by the game they are not melee interactions.
  18. While we're having the Writer Love-and-Hugs Support Group, Oni Press is accepting submissions from May 1 to June 30. They're looking for comic writers as well as artists.
  19. Another offering in my crackfic series. (Names eventually used for the sake of the punchline.)
  20. "And then—ha ha—right over the bar. He just sat there covered in gin and broken glass and the chorus girls just. kept. dancing. More wine?" "It is good this year. You can smell the sun from California." "You must be a real hit with the ladies. Fancy hat. Fancy suit. Wine." "Niño prefers it." "That why he's in the dress?" "..." "I'm not judging. He's not either, I think Sonnia distracted him." "Como sabias—" "Even your footsteps aren't that light. In dancing shoes? Couldn't be you. More wine?" "..." "..." "... Gracias." "..." "Santiago tried to teach me, but I always lead." "Tell. me. about it. Niño sounds good." "He's prettier than all of us. I think Dashel is smitten." "I can hear him blushing from here. It's cute, in a florid, chunky short of way." "Hello. Hey. Have you been talking to Dashel? I need another request form for guardsmen." "Can't your handlers handle it? He sheems busy." "I've been tracking a new lead. Everything's gone to hell since that bookseller visited. Sam got me extra funding for a new Brownie and we can enter photo evidence now. Look." "Jesús!" "Sharper picture than even the papers!" "I'm lucky I'm blind, aren't I?" "Excuse me. I believe my brothers need my attention." "..." "I think if we focus on the northeast wing of the Quarantine Zone—thank you; it's delicious—we can sweep it within the week. With extra guardsmen on patrol—" "Shonnia?" "Yes?" "You are a good Guildsman. You. Are a good person. But Shonnia?" "Yes?" "Shonnia?" "What?" "You need to relax."
  21. Don't sell yourself short! Visual storytelling is storytelling too.
  22. I wouldn't mind a bi-monthly contest with prizes for the winner and runner-up. The extra time allows for more editing and the potential for different submissions from the same author. As a reader, the runner-up stories are so good that I think they deserve prizes for what they add to the fandom. The Judge's Challenge is low-stakes writing exercise in the interim and a good way to draw out new writers. Just my opinion. My ideal situation is for Iron Quill to work pleasantly and well for everyone involved; I'm not too picky about the execution.
  23. What The Zinc Lich said. 10T Brothers shouldn't have access to Smoke & Shadows because nothing that makes me laugh that manically while wringing my hands can possibly be balanced.
  24. This is how I like to play Misaki. After the second turn, my opponent completely panicked and ran scared for the rest of the game. It's been three months and he still runs and hides whenever I suggest a rematch. would recommend.
  25. I've been to two different Canadian cities and found easily 20ish players at each of the nine locations. (Three in one city, six in another.) I have no idea what you're talking about.
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