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Everything posted by Furio

  1. And how the train started it's life (found for a couple of euros at a chinese bazaar)
  2. As my gaming group currently only has loads of tables for Warhammer fantasy, 40k and flames of war, I decided that I wanted a wild west themed table to go with my Ortega family crew. Buildings are from tt combat (bought on ebay)
  3. Wow, great stories eveyone! I'm not a writer but I love reading these stories, thank you to all who have taken the time to write fan fiction for the rest of us to read.
  4. Plast craft games have a website(google it) with the products they currently have for sale... Wild west style 28mm buildings 5euro 50 cents (4 gbp ish) if they can keep the new malifaux terrain line around that sort of price i'm sure it'll be a big seller! EDIT: just noticed that the infinity items aren't around the 5.5euro mark, more like 8-15 euros, so I would expect the Malifaux stuff to be around this price.
  5. Interesting, as long as it doesn't involve me having to paint, nobody would wish to receive something i've painted!
  6. Yup, it's the upgrade "hair trigger" a must take for nino in my opinion.
  7. Hi, A couple of members of my gaming group and I have decided to give Malifaux a try. We're all experienced wargame players (WHFB. 40k,x-wing, FOW etc etc) and when we gained a new member who just moved here that told us about trying malifaux back where he came from we couldn't stop ourselves! Anyway so far 3 of us have bought into the game with the rest looking over our shoulders and wanting to see how we get on! Personally I've grabbed myself the Ortegas and Lucius already but also have a couple more on their way from various sources (unfortunately a lot of shops in spain are having problems with getting stock at the moment)
  8. If you have no problem with shipping from europe.. http://www.mirmidonia.com/ver.aspx?id=999 or http://www.e-minis.net/arcanists/colette-du-bois-p-43513.html Both companies are great to deal with, but the first has amazing customer service!
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