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Everything posted by Franchute

  1. Hey, I'm new to the Malifaux world. I already posted pictures of the first mini I painted on the page for the 2016 painting contest, but I dont want to flood it more before the contest starts in March, so I will post my progress here. I will be painting minis mostly from the Guild and I started with one of the members of the Sonnia box, a witchling stalker. Below is a picture of the little guy and another one on my work in progress of the other two stalkers. The first stalker can be considered as finished, but I may come back later on to him as I might incorporate some of Tawg's comments:
  2. Tawg, This page is amazing. Thank you very much for the tip! I like your idea of putting some blue or violet somewhere on the model. I'll try to think about how to do it. Maybe, as you suggested, adding an object on the base could be a solution. At least, I could add some violet in the shadows of the arms. I used a greenish brown for this model. I could experiment with some violet for the other two witchling stalkers. On the goggles: I simply didnt paint them. I wanted to have bright eyes like in the original artwork (or maybe I'm just lazy). So, you are right: their color is the same white cream as for the mask (it's not the picture's fault!). I agree with your comment on the green of the eyes: it doesn't match. I first painted the eyes before the rest of the other green parts and used a warmer green as an intermediary color between the dark green and the white. But then, when I painted the metallic parts and the boots, I decided not to use this green anymore. Maybe I could experiment with some violet again for the eyes of the other two guys and come back to this model if this works. Thanks for your comments! They helped me understand what was bothering me with my work.
  3. Hi. Thanks for the comments. I'm aware of the gem critique. I was probably a bit lazy on that. The only excuse I have is that, in the original artwork, this thing is part of the sword metal, but I should have painted a ruby there maybe. Do you have any idea on the accent color I could have used? I didn't really know how to paint the arms to be honest. I tried to create a warm/cold contrast, with the green of the metals and boots being complementary to the red of the brown in the robe and bags. I could use a suggestion for the other two witchling stalkers maybe.
  4. Hey, I'm following Prof. Pink's steps and posting a month earlier too. Here's my first Malifaux miniature:
  5. What do you think about these bases from Micro Art Studio? http://shop.microartstudio.com/arcane-bases-wround-30mm-5-p-901.html Or maybe these: http://shop.microartstudio.com/ancient-bases-wround-30mm-5-p-1306.html
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