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Everything posted by hiredgun

  1. If Ramos uses Uncontrolled Detonation on a Swarm,is the damage multiplied by 3 (the # of spiders in the swarm)?
  2. removing models from bases is easy if you are careful , just get an exacto knife blade between the feet of the model and the base.
  3. no warping at all, I use spraypaint,keep the coats thin.
  4. Thought I'd share some of the Game boards I made. I got the Elmers* Tri-fold 3X4 project boards and painted them. Bayou Graveyard Badlands Slums/Quaranten Zone Soulstone Mine
  5. Wave 2 is simply bringing all the characters from the previous books into M2e. They are different from their previous incarnations but in no way 'better' or 'stronger' or 'overpowered' compared to wave 1. Games Workshop was really bad about powercreep, but I dont see that as an issue with Wyrd. Love the Video btw
  6. It is not foam, it is plastic, like the stuff GW put out for 'Cities of Death'. Unassembeled, unpainted.
  7. any word on a release date or prices?
  8. But,as an Arcanist, can I hire Guild constructs? I have been told no...
  9. I was reading Crossroads and noticed that C.Hoffman and his brother Ryle are Guild, but have M&SU printed on their cards. Is that for storyline ,or does that have gameplay aspects as well?
  10. I have the Ramos box,that was the 1st thing I got, a Railgloem, Johana, and extra spiders. Basicly I want to run an ali M&SU 'steampunk' crew, with enough options to face whatever my opponents are.
  11. Well, the reason I ask is ,my wife asked me what I want for Christmas. I told her I want to get all the M&SU characters/models. Would be nice to have a big Holiday release though...
  12. Will all the wave 2 releases be available for purchase by Christmas?
  13. what minions would suit her best then?
  14. at least they're not Malifaux Haters like on some other biased forums. go to Bolter&Chainsword and start a Malifaux thread...it will be interesting
  15. Is Toni going to get her own Crew Box? I was thinking Toni, Mouse, The Captain,and 3 Union Miners.
  16. So, even if I use the BAs stoke on Laz, he still has to wait until after my opponent has a turn? I thoght Reactivate was instant, like a chain activation?
  17. So, I could use the BAs Companion rule to chain activate it,then Stoke Lazarus for 1 more activation? Even just getting 1 more round of Laz shooting is worth it.
  18. Reading the cards, it would seem that after Lazarus activates, he can use Assimilate to take Stoke from the Brass Arachnid, which gives Reactivate, use it on the BA, activate it, then use Stoke again on Laz. One could continue to do this indefinitley it would seem. It this within scope of the rules??
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